1st Edition

North of the Tees Studies in Medieval British History

By H.S. Offler, A.I. Doyle Copyright 1996
    322 Pages
    by Routledge

    The papers in this volume, which include three left unpublished at the time of Professor Offler's death in 1991, cover the period from the 9th to the 14th centuries; They well exemplify Offler's command of historical narrative and his technical skills as a historian. Their main concern is with the northernmost counties of England, in particular with the diocese of Durham and the activities of its bishops, but some cross the border into Scottish history. Many provide a careful evaluation of crucial documentary evidence for the period; others give vivid reconstructions of particular personalities or events.

    Contents: Foreword; Memoir of Hilary Seton Offler, 1913-1991, P.D.A. Harvey; Medieval historians of Durham; A note on the last medieval bishops of Hexham; The early archdeacons in the diocese of Durham; The date of Durham (Carmen de situ Dunelmi); William of St Calais, first Norman bishop of Durham; The tractate De iniusta vexacione Willelmi episcopi primi ; Ranulf Flambard as bishop of Durham (1099-1128); A Northumberland charter of King Henry I; A note on the early history of the Priory of Carlisle; Hexham and the Historia Regum; A medieval chronicle from Scotland; Re-reading Boldon Book; Fitz Meldred, Neville and Hansard; Murder on Framwellgate Bridge; A note on the northern Franciscan chronicle; Reason in politics, 1363-4, a Quaestio from Scotland; Index.


    H.S. Offler, A.I. Doyle