2nd Edition

Ophthalmic Leadership A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams

By John B. Pinto Copyright 2022

    Ophthalmic practices have many types of leaders, functioning at all levels of the organization. Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams, Second Edition can provide each of these leaders with the tools to be more decisive, motivating, and effective.

    John B. Pinto, America’s most published author on the business of ophthalmology, has firsthand experience with the best and worst practice leadership habits from his decades of experience as an ophthalmic practice consultant. He has coached countless physician and lay leaders to the next level of their careers. Together with his team of more than 20 expert contributors, Pinto covers every aspect of leadership in ophthalmology, no matter the size of the practice or the current experience of the team.

    Chapters include:

    • What Do You Believe in? Developing a List of Core Values for Your Practice
    • Grooming and Moving Line Staff Up to Middle Management
    • Contingency Planning in a Less-Certain Environment
    • Leading Your Team Past the Inevitable Conflicts of Practice Life

    Everyone in ophthalmology can benefit from the lessons inside Ophthalmic Leadership: A Practical Guide for Physicians, Administrators, and Teams, Second Edition—from the rising ophthalmic technician or department manager, to the managing partner, and even the most seasoned practice administrator.

    “The book you now hold is a wonderful opportunity to rededicate yourself to your professional development as a leader and to the success of your organization.”

    From the Foreword by Richard L. Lindstrom, MD


    About the Author

    Contributing Authors

    Foreword by Richard L. Lindstrom, MDIntroduction

    Section I Leadership Perspectives

    Chapter 1 Managing Your Effectiveness: Accountability 101Keith Casebolt

    Chapter 2 The Leadership Dyad: Building Core Strength in Ophthalmology Group PracticesCraig N. Piso, PhD and John B. Pinto

    Chapter 3 Me-ness Versus We-ness: Th e Selfless LeaderAmir Arbisser, MD

    Chapter 4 What Do You Believe In? Developing a List of Core Values for Your PracticeJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 5 The Thermodynamics of Practice LeadershipJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 6 Should We Downsize, Stay on the Current Plateau, or Grow Larger?John B. Pinto

    Chapter 7 Avoiding Building or Joining a Practice Larger Than You Can Personally Thrive in, and One Day LeadJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 8 Business Pathology: Applying Health Care's Disease Management Model to the Management of Your PracticeJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 9 How Well Will You Adapt to the Future Eye Care Business Environment?John B. Pinto

    Section II Awakening Leadership Skills in Yourself and Others

    Chapter 10 Character and Leadership: Creating a Positive Work Environment for a Highly Successful PracticeJaci M. Lindstrom

    Chapter 11 The Eight Roots of Healthy Power in Effective Medical LeadershipCraig N. Piso, PhD

    Chapter 12 Grooming and Moving Line Staff Up to Middle ManagementCorinne Z. Wohl, MHSA, COE

    Chapter 13 Best-of-Class Administrators: The Triumph of the Tortoise Over the HareJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 14 Feedback: The Fine Art of Boosting Staff PerformanceJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 15 Getting Things Done: Keys to Prioritization and ImplementationJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 16 My 25-Year Development as a Leader: From One Employee (Me!) to 75Linda Cook

    Chapter 17 Coaching and Motivating Office StaffJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 18 Assembling a Practice and Personal Advisory TeamJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 19 Keeping Yourself in 24/7 Turnaround ModeJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 20 Helping Your Managers Manage: The Hallmarks of Superior SupervisionJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 21 Are You an Entrepreneur? Take This Simple TestJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 22 How to Recruit and Integrate a New DoctorLauren Simon and Amelia Rogoff

    Chapter 23 Leadership Leaps for Women in OphthalmologyMarsha Link, PhD

    Chapter 24 Top Issues That Administrators Have With Their DoctorsJohn B. Pinto; Craig N. Piso, PhD; and Candace (Candy) S. Simerson, COE, CAHCM

    Chapter 25 Curing the Blahs: Has Your Practice Lost Its Organizational Vigor?John B. Pinto

    Chapter 26 Is It Time to Replace or Tune Up Your Office Manager or Administrator?John B. Pinto

    Chapter 27 Can't I Just Manage My Own Practice? Alternatives to Employing a Practice Manager or AdministratorJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 28 Questions to Ask Before Accepting Your Next Job as Practice AdministratorJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 29 From Bench to Boardroom: The Path From Scientist to CEOAdrienne Graves, PhD

    Section III Leadership's Nuts, Bolts, and Basic Training

    Chapter 30 The Mission: How the Physician-Leader Can Help Keep Staff FocusedPaul N. Arnold, MD

    Chapter 31 Effective Practice Leadership: Balancing Authority, Power, and ResponsibilityCraig N. Piso, PhD and John B. Pinto

    Chapter 32 How Our Practice Works: An Open Letter for Lay Staff From Eye Clinic LeadersJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 33 Administrative Basics: Writing Your Manager's Position DescriptionJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 34 Compliance: Setting an Example and Sending a MessageAlan E. Reider, JD and Allison Weber Shuren, Esq

    Chapter 35 Leading Toward the Electronic PracticeJeff Grant

    Chapter 36 Leading and Managing Clinical Support StaffJane T. Shuman, MSM, COT, COE, OCS, OSC

    Chapter 37 Questions That Can Improve Your Bottom LineJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 38 Contingency Planning in a Less-Certain EnvironmentJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 39 Collaboration: The Key to Better Management DecisionsJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 40 Ophthalmic Practice Motivation: A New Inventory Tool for Staff and ProvidersJohn B. Pinto and Craig N. Piso, PhD

    Chapter 41 How to Find and Reform or Eliminate the Weakest Members of Your Practice TeamJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 42 Leadership Decisions Inspired by Behavioral EconomicsErik F. Kruger, MD

    Chapter 43 Ten Simple Steps for a Successful PracticeJohn B. Pinto

    Section IV Leading Through Change and Transition

    Chapter 44 Confessions of a Reluctant Managing

    PartnerPaul S. Imperia, MD

    Chapter 45 Strengths and Limitations of the MD-as-Administrator ModelJohn Campbell, MD

    Chapter 46 Congratulations! (I Think): Preparing to Become the Next Managing

    Partner of Our PracticeJohn C. Shin, MD

    Chapter 47 Through the Eyes of a Lay CEO Who Has Evolved From Employee to OwnerJohn Swencki, MBA

    Chapter 48 Transition Times Two: A New Administrator's Efforts to Reposition and Update a Second-Generation PracticeHayley Boling, MBA, COE

    Chapter 49 Leadership at a Time of CrisisWilliam Shields, MD

    Chapter 50 Critical Care: Health Care Leaders and Political IssuesPriscilla Arnold, MD

    Chapter 51 Ten Signs That It May Be Time to Change AdministratorsJohn B. Pinto

    Section V Doctors Leading Doctors

    Chapter 52 Managing

    Partner: The Dirtiest Job in Eye Care TodayJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 53 How to Be a Better Physician Supervisor and Break in Your Practice's New DoctorJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 54 What Does Your Associate Doctor Really Want?John B. Pinto

    Chapter 55 Deciding If Your Associate Provider Is Ready for OwnershipJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 56 What Is a

    Partnership, Really? What Kind Do You Have?John B. Pinto

    Chapter 57 Eight Rules for Getting Along With Your Practice

    PartnerJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 58 Twenty Rules for Group Practice HarmonyJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 59 Tips for Running a More Effective Practice RetreatJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 60 From Chaos to Order: Improving Practice Board MeetingsJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 61 Th e Neanderthal Doctor: Habits to Lose on Your Way to a Better PracticeJohn B. Pinto

    Chapter 62 Leading Your Team Past the Inevitable Conflicts of Practice LifeJohn B. PintoAppendix A Administrator/Practice Manager Score CardAppendix B Physician Leadership Score CardAppendix C Measuring Your Practice's Level of TeamworkAppendix D Does Your Practice Have Supervisory Deficit Syndrome?Financial Disclosures



    John B. Pinto is the most-published author in America on ophthalmology practice management topics. He founded J. Pinto & Associates, Inc., an ophthalmic practice management consulting firm, in 1979. Since then he has provided strategic planning, operations, and marketing advice to pharmaceutical companies, basic science centers, hospitals, multispecialty clinics, and single-specialty facilities.

    For nearly 40 years, a majority of the firm’s service has been to ophthalmic practices ranging from small solo practices to high-volume market leaders, teaching centers, and ophthalmic product companies. He has been active as a practice consultant in North America and Europe, and has worked and lectured in South America and the Far East.

    Pinto is best known as a strategic planning and economic advisor to practices large and small. In addition to covering most dimensions of modern practice operations management, he is a career advisor - providing individual coaching and contract negotiation services to new graduates and midcareer ophthalmologists. His professional life today is rounded out with succession planning, practice valuations, partner dispute mediation, merger/acquisition counsel, and leadership development for administrators and physicians.

    A prolific writer, Pinto is the author of several books beyond the text you now hold:

    • John Pinto’s Little Green Book of Ophthalmology
    • Turnaround: Twenty-One Weeks to Ophthalmic Practice Survival and Permanent Improvement
    • Ten Eyecare Practices: Benchmarks for Success
    • Cash Flow: The Practical Art of Earning More From Your Ophthalmology Practice, written with Anne Rose
    • The Efficient Ophthalmologist
    • Legal Issues in Ophthalmology: A Review for Surgeons and Administrators, written with Alan Reider and Allison Shuren
    • The Women of Ophthalmology, written with Elizabeth Davis, MD
    • Simple: The Inner Game of Ophthalmic Practice Success, which is a companion text to John Pinto’s Little Green Book of Ophthalmology
    • UP: Taking Ophthalmic Administrators and Their Management Teams to the Next Level of Skill, Performance, and Career Satisfaction, co-authored with Corinne Z. Wohl
    • Marketing Your Ophthalmic Practice