3rd Edition

Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic: A Five Areas Approach

By Gwyn Williams Copyright 2012

    Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Panic uses the proven and trusted five areas model of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help people experiencing a range of symptoms associated with these conditions. For the third edition, new workbooks are included on: obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), using medication, and planning for the future.

    • CBT workbooks - easy to use, practical, photocopy them
    • Written by an award-winning author and expert
    • Proven to work - through years of research and practice
    • Step-by-step success - follow the Plan, Do, Review approach, see positive results

    Advice for friends and family to offer additional support
    Invaluable, proven, practical and easy to use workbooks for all CBT practitioners, psychiatrists, GPs, psychologists, counsellors, neurologists, occupational therapists, voluntary sector and healthcare workers to use to help the people in their care help themselves.


    • Life situation, people and events around us
    • Altered thinking
    • Altered feelings or moods
    • Altered physical symptoms or sensations
    • Altered behaviour or activity levels

    LINKED, FREE ONLINE SUPPORT AT www.livinglifetothefull.com
    ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AT www.fiveareas.com.

    Understanding why you feel as you do
    Tackling your anxiety: starting out (... and how to keep going if you feel stuck)
    Understanding worry and stress
    Understanding panic and phobias
    Understanding obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCD)

    Making changes
    Making changes to do with people and events around us
    How to start fixing problems and finding solutions (practical problem solving)
    How to ask for what you really need (being assertive)
    Learning to be calmer, less annoyed and less irritated
    Making changes in your life
    How to get a good night's sleep: overcoming anxiety and sleep problems
    Using exercise to overcome stress
    Things you do that worsen your anxiety (unhelpful behaviours)
    Stress, alcohol and drugs
    Facing fears and overcoming avoidance
    Understanding and overcoming shyness and social phobia
    Noticing and changing anxious thinking
    Understanding and overcoming feelings of depersonalization
    Overcoming anxious overbreathing (hyperventilation)
    Understanding and using anti-anxiety medication
    Planning for the future


    Professor Chris Williams BSc (Hons), MBCHB, MMedSc, MD, FRCPsych Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry and Honarary Consultant Psychiatrist, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK