1st Edition

PEERS® for Preschoolers Friendship Skills for Autistic and Neurodivergent Children

    424 Pages
    by Routledge

    424 Pages
    by Routledge

    This manual builds on the success of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®), an internationally renowned program used in over 150 countries and translated into numerous languages, now expanded to work with autistic and neurodivergent preschool-aged children, and those with other social challenges.

    Through this new manual, providers will learn about important skills to enhance positive peer interactions and friendship development for young children, how to structure sessions and encourage skill-building effectively, and how to educate and empower parents to be valuable social coaches for their children. Every chapter includes a therapist guide for each session, and parent resources such as lessons, homework, handouts, worksheets, and social coaching play cards.

    This latest edition to the PEERS® program is ideal for professionals and educators who provide social-emotional therapeutic services and support to young children (between the ages of four to six years) diagnosed with autism or other social challenges.

     Chapter 1 Introduction


    Chapter 2 Session 1: Listening and Following Directions


    Chapter 3 Session 2: Meeting and Greeting Friends


    Chapter 4 Session 3: Sharing and Giving a Turn


    Chapter 5 Session 4: Asking for a Turn


    Chapter 6 Session 5: Keeping Cool


    Chapter 7 Session 6: Being a Good Sport


    Chapter 8 Session 7: Show and Tell During Play


    Chapter 9 Session 8: Don’t be Bossy


    Chapter 10 Session 9: Asking a Friend to Play


    Chapter 11 Session 10: Joining a Game


    Chapter 12 Session 11: Asking to Play Something Different


    Chapter 13 Session 12: Asking and Giving Help


    Chapter 14 Session 13: Body Boundaries


    Chapter 15 Session 14: Using an Inside Voice


    Chapter 16 Session 15: Review Part I


    Chapter 17 Session 16: Review Part II and Graduation



    Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson is a licensed clinical psychologist, Clinical Professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, and Director of the UCLA PEERS® Clinic and UCLA Tarjan Center UCEDD.

    Dr. Mina Park is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice, a former Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA, and an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSF.

    Dr. Jennifer Sanderson is a licensed clinical psychologist in Miami, Florida. She currently directs the Autism Clinic within a private practice, providing psychological and consultative services across the lifespan.

    “The PEERS program has been a gift to autistic and other neurodivergent teens and adults, their families and professionals who work with them by providing a fun, innovative way of building social skills and opportunities for interaction. This version for preschool children provides a modified version of its step by step, evidence-based, positive approach to how to support younger children in social relationships.  It will bring joy, confidence and skills to many children, their parents (who are actively involved from the word go) and the providers who get to work with them.”

    Catherine Lord, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

    “A marvelous addition to our tools for developing social-communication skills in preschoolers this valuable, evidence based program teaches social skills using lessons, play based materials, and group activities.  Designed to have materials that are readily taught and used, this book will be an invaluable guide to foster social skills in the preschool population.”

    Fred R Volkmar, M.D., Irving B. Harris Professor Emeritus, Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine