1st Edition

Patronage in Ancient Society

Edited By Andrew Wallace-Hadrill Copyright 1989

    Patronage in Ancient Society (1989) examines a subject central to the society of the ancient Mediterranean, bringing together the interests of ancient historians and sociologists, using ancient societies, and particularly Roman society, as the focus for their studies. In its comparative approach and its historical range this volume constitutes an important contribution to the study of patronage.

    1. Patronage and its Avoidance in Classical Athens Paul Millett  2. Patronage and Friendship in Early Imperial Rome: Drawing the Distinction Richard Saller  3. Patronage in Roman Society: From Republic to Empire Andrew Wallace-Hadrill  4. Early Roman Clientes Andrew Drummond  5. Patronage and International Relations in the Roman Republic John Rich  6. Function and Dysfunction: Personal Patronage in Roman Imperialism David Braund  7. Patronage of the Rural Poor in the Roman World Peter Garnsey and Greg Woolf  8. Bandits, Elites and Rural Order Keith Hopwood  9. Patronage in Roman Gaul and the Problem of the Bagaude John Drinkwater  10. The Client-Patron Relationship: Emblem and Reality in Juvenal’s First Book Duncan Cloud  11. Patronage: Relation and System Terry Johnson and Chris Dandeker


    Andrew Wallace-Hadrill