1st Edition

Philosophy and Educational Foundations

By Rosemary Chamberlin Copyright 1983
    382 Pages
    by Routledge

    381 Pages
    by Routledge

    What models in the social sciences underlie existing or proposed patterns of educational practice? What theories of knowledge inform such models and thus arguably sanction such practice? In this book, first published in 1983, the author seeks some tentative answers.

    Wittgenstein’s understanding of ‘family resemblance’ and Chomsky’s ‘linguistic universals’ are interpreted, contrary to Hamlyn, as reconcilable notions that can both illuminate and refine Hirst’s understanding of ‘categorical concepts’. In the light of such a reformulated theory, Brent suggest ways in which a unified model of the social sciences could yield a unified curriculum theory. This title will be of interest to students of the philosophy of education and curriculum studies.

    1. Behaviourist Foundations and Approaches to Pedagogy  2. Behaviourism and the Philosophy of Language  3. Skinner’s Conflicting Paradigms of Science  4. Behaviourism: Curricular Deductions  5. Marxist Alternatives  6. Classical and Phenomenological Marxist Pedagogy  7. Bernstein, Hirst and Rule-Following Models  8. Forms of Knowledge, Categorical Concepts and Linguistic Universals  9. Categorial and Substantive Concepts, Morphemes and Family-Resemblance  10. Conclusions: Multicultural Education and the Place of Religion;  Bibliographical References;  Index


    Allen Brent