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Poland: Transnational Histories

About the Series

The borders of Poland have shifted dynamically throughout the country’s history, expanding and shrinking (or even vanishing), moving between the Baltic and the Black Seas, and the Oder and the Dnieper Rivers. Not unlike other states in the region, the spatial dynamics of Poland’s history have impacted its social structure: Poland has been home to diverse religious and ethnic groups, who migrated, assimilated, resisted assimilation, persevered or suppressed others. These forces of moving populations, shifting frontiers, and mixing of peoples have resulted in a complex and dynamic set of histories in the Polish space, a phenomenon as yet poorly understood in the wider scholarly community.

The books in this series aims at presenting original research on the shifts and movements characteristic of Polish history, but that is also embedded in broader developments beyond Poland’s borders. The works in the series examine the complexities and entanglements of Poland’s past as a rule rather than as an exception. They consider the ways particular elements and trends in Polish history resonate globally, on the one hand, and the impact of global trends on internal Polish developments, on the other.

3 Series Titles

Per Page

Urban Communities and Memories in East-Central Europe in the Modern Age

Urban Communities and Memories in East-Central Europe in the Modern Age

1st Edition


Edited By Aleksander Łupienko
August 07, 2024

This edited volume studies the logic of community formation and the common view of the past to show how various social bonds of communities functioned during the modern national era of East-Central Europe from the late eighteenth century until today and how multifaceted this group-building really ...

Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom Sociocultural Development, 1866–1914

Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom: Sociocultural Development, 1866–1914

1st Edition

By Raluca Goleșteanu-Jacobs
December 01, 2023

This comparative attempt, intended for postgraduates and scholars of Eastern-Central Europe, investigates the political, economic, and cultural landscape of Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom in the second half of the 19th century. Often, in historiography and in the public sphere alike, the...

Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland Scholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues, 1945–1956

Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland: Scholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues, 1945–1956

1st Edition

By Alexej Lochmatow
September 22, 2023

This book explores the public debates among scholars that took place in Early Cold War Poland. The author challenges the traditional narrative on the ‘Sovietisation’ of Central and Eastern European countries and proposes to see this process not as a spread of Marxist ideology or a Soviet ...

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