1st Edition

Political Islam Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies

Edited By Barry Rubin Copyright 2007
    416 Pages
    by Routledge

    Bringing together canonical and the best cutting-edge scholarship in one useful reference resource, the shortcomings as well as the successes of Islamism are fully examined in this three volume collection of seventy-five key journal articles on all aspects of modern political Islamism.

    'Political Islam' here means political movements which argue that the state must be based on their interpretation of Islamic law, viewing this as an alternative to Arab nationalist, traditional monarchist, or semi-secular democratic states. Such movements may seek power through violence or elections. They also usually set up their own educational, social service, and cultural institutions to influence individuals and the society at large.

    This work is organized into sections discussing the origins and world view of political Islam and its relationship with the issues of terrorism and democracy. The collection also includes a number of case studies that examine the ideas, strategy, tactics, leadership, and opposition to the movement both in the Middle East and in other parts of the world. Volume III Volume III includes case studies from Africa, Iran, Europe and Asia.

    Introduction 54 The insecure rendezvous between Islam and totalitarianism: the failure of the Islamist state in the Sudan 55 Islamism in Sudan’s civil war 56 Al Qaida recruitment trends in Kenya and Tanzania 57 ‘Fadaeeyan-i Islam’: the prototype of Islamic hardliners in Iran 58 ‘Islam versus the West’ and the political thought of AbdolKarim Soroush 59 Middle East Salafism’s influence and radicalization of Muslim communities in Europe 60 Middle East Islamism in the European arena 61 Islam on the offensive: the Muslim Brotherhood’s conquest of Europe 62 Who is responsible for the Taliban? 63 The dynamics of Islamist terror in South Asia 64 The intellectual roots of Islamic radicalism in Indonesia: Ja3far Umar Thalib of Laskar Jihad (Jihad Fighters) and his educational background 65 The Mahathir administration’s war against Islamic militancy: operational and ideological challenges 66 The politics of negotiating the terrorist problem in Indonesia 67 Indonesia’s approaching elections: politics, Islam, and public opinion 68 The role of Islam in Pakistan’s future 69 Militant recruitment in Pakistan: implications for Al Qaeda and other organizations 70 Azerbaijan: Islam in a post-Soviet Republic 71 Political Islam in Turkey: a state of controlled secularity 72 Transformation of Islamic political identity in Turkey: rethinking the West and Westernization 73 Islam and democracy in Turkey 74 Explaining religious politics at the crossroad: AKP–SP 75 Christian democracy and the AKP: parallels and contrasts


    Barry Rubin