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Power Systems Handbook

4 Series Titles

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Harmonic Generation Effects Propagation and Control

Harmonic Generation Effects Propagation and Control

1st Edition

By J.C. Das
October 19, 2017

This book provides coverage of generation, effects, and control of harmonics, including interharmonics and measurements, measurements and estimation of harmonics, harmonic resonance and limitations, according to standards. It serves as a practical guide to undergraduate and graduate students, as ...

Load Flow Optimization and Optimal Power Flow

Load Flow Optimization and Optimal Power Flow

1st Edition

By J.C. Das
October 19, 2017

This book discusses the major aspects of load flow, optimization, optimal load flow, and culminates in modern heuristic optimization techniques and evolutionary programming. In the deregulated environment, the economic provision of electrical power to consumers requires knowledge of maintaining a ...

Power System Protective Relaying

Power System Protective Relaying

1st Edition

By J.C. Das
October 19, 2017

This book focuses on protective relaying, which is an indispensable part of electrical power systems. The recent advancements in protective relaying are being dictated by MMPRs (microprocessor-based multifunction relays). The text covers smart grids, integration of wind and solar generation, ...

Short-Circuits in AC and DC Systems ANSI, IEEE, and IEC Standards

Short-Circuits in AC and DC Systems: ANSI, IEEE, and IEC Standards

1st Edition

By J.C. Das
October 19, 2017

This book provides an understanding of the nature of short-circuit currents, current interruption theories, circuit breaker types, calculations according to ANSI/IEEE and IEC standards, theoretical and practical basis of short-circuit current sources, and the rating structure of switching devices.&...

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