272 Pages
    by Routledge

    by Routledge

    Primate Ethnographies is a collection of first-person accounts of immersive field studies of primates, people, and institutions, revealing the wide spectrum of primate science (primatology). Essays cover such primates as lemurs, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and apes. Readers experience the excitement of discovery and the challenges of primate field research. Primate Ethnographies can be used as a textbook or a companion reader.

    1.Primate Ethnographies: The Biological and Cultural Dimensions of Field Primatology
        By Karen B. Strier
    2.There and Back Again: A Primatologist’s Tale
        By Jim Moore
    3.Moonlit Walks: A Serendipitous Journey from Baboons and Chimpanzees to Nocturnal Primates
        By Leanne T. Nash
    4. The Lure of Lemurs to an Anthropologist
        By Robert W. Sussman
    5. On the Ground Looking Up
        By Kenneth Glander
    6. Learning to Become a Monkey
        By Michael A. Huffman
    7.TheAccidental Primatologist: My Encounters with Pygmy Marmosets and Cotton-top Tamarins
        By Charles T. Snowdon
    8. Of Monkeys, Moonlight, and Monogamy in the Argentinean Chaco
        By Eduardo Fernandez-Duque
    9. Stress in the Wilds
        By Jacinta C. Beehner and Thore J. Bergman
    10. Baboon Mechanics
        By S. Peter Henzi and Louise Barrett
    11. The Graceful Asian Ape
        By Ulrich H. Reichard
    12. Studying Lemurs on Three Continents
        By Peter M. Kappeler
    13. A Tale of Two Monkeys
        By Stephen F. Ferrari
    14. There’s a Monkey in my Kitchen (and I Like It): Fieldwork with Macaques in Bali and Beyond
        By Agustín Fuentes
    15. Gorillas Across Time and Space
        By Martha M. Robbins
    16. Chimpanzee Reunion
        By Craig Stanford
    17. QuestionsMy Mother Asked Me: An Inside View of a Thirty-Year Primate Project in a Costa Rican National Park
        By Linda Marie Fedigan
    18. Male Bands in the Amazonian Rainforest
        By Anthony Di Fiore
    19. Blue Monkeys and Bridges: Transformations in Habituation, Habitat and People
        By Marina Cords
    20. The Evolution of a Conservation Biologist
        By Colin A. Chapman
    21. Studying Apes in a Human Landscape
        By Jill D. Pruetz
    APPENDIX: Tables of Cross-Referenced Regions, Species, and Key Topics and Concepts


    Karen B. Strier is Vilas Professor and Irven DeVore Professor of Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After graduating from Swarthmore College in 1980, she received her MA and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Harvard University in 1981 and 1986, respectively. She is an international authority on the endangered northern muriqui monkey, which she has been studying in the Brazilian Atlantic forest since 1982. Her pioneering research has been critical to conservation efforts on behalf of this species, and has been influential in broadening comparative perspectives on primate behavioral and ecological diversity. Her contributions have been recognized by her election as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and as a member of both the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the recipient of an Honorary Degree (Doctorate of Science) from the University of Chicago and the Distinguished Primatologist Awards from both the American Primatological Society and the Midwestern Primate Interest Group. She has received various awards from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including the Graduate School’s faculty research awards series, a Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and a Hilldale Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service. She has also been honored with a Lifetime Honorary Membership to the Brazilian Primatological Society. Before joining the faculty at UW-Madison in 1989, she was a Lecturer in Anthropology at Harvard University and an assistant professor at Beloit College. She has served as an elected member and officer on the executive committees of professional societies and on the editorial boards of major journals in the field. She has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications, including two single-authored books, Faces in the Forest: The Endangered Muriqui Monkeys of Brazil (Harvard University Pre

    "Karen Strier’s novel idea of collecting and publishing primatologists’ mini memoirs in this volume has resulted in a valuable compendium of these individuals’ experiences and motivations as well as their research interests. The book also makes an interesting addition to the social history of primatology. I can thoroughly recommend this book to primatologists and those interested in primatologists and what they do. Primate Ethnographies will also be a useful and interesting addition to many universities’ bookshelves."— Sian Waters, Primate Eye (The Primate Society of Great Britain)