1st Edition

Progression and Progress in Physical Education

    236 Pages 3 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    236 Pages 3 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    How well do I take account of the needs of different classes and individual learners to facilitate and enhance progress? Do I plan for progress based on where learners are currently at? Does the curriculum facilitate and enhance progress?

    Exploring these questions and more, this book examines what progress in physical education looks like and the teachers’ role in facilitating and enhancing the progress of individual learners across different Domains of Learning.

    Progression and Progress in Physical Education contains 12 units, each of which highlights an aspect of progression or progress in physical education. Throughout, the book emphasises that it is individual learners that make progress therefore highlighting the importance of catering for the holistic, individual learner. Grouped into four sections, units cover:

    -          What is meant by progression, progress and learning?

    -          The Physical, Cognitive and Affective Domains of Learning

    -          The holistic nature of individual learning

    -          Conditions needed to make progress possible

    -          Key principles for facilitating and enhancing progress

    -          Teaching for, recognising and charting progress

    -          The curriculum as a condition for facilitating and enhancing progress

    Filled throughout with examples of existing good practice and useful tips, this text will support all primary and secondary physical education teachers in facilitating and enhancing learner progress in physical education.

    Unit 1 - Introduction

    The purpose of this book: about us: about teachers: about the book: permeation throughout the book: other resources; and so

    Unit 2 - Progression, Progress and Learning

    Progression and Progress: Progression in physical education: Progress in physical education:

    Learning: Theories of Learning: Principles for facilitating and enhancing progress


    Unit 3 - The Learner

    The holistic nature of the learner endowed with a range of capabilities: Growth and Development: Other factors which impact on learners: Principles for facilitating and enhancing the learning of every learner


    Unit 4 - Domains of Learning in Physical Education – An Introduction

    Justification for the selection of the three domains of learning in physical education: Analysis of the three domains: Using the Aspects and Foci to recognise Learner Progress: The Ladders of Progress


    Unit 5 - The Physical Domain

    Descriptions of terms used in the unit: parameters of learning in physical education in compulsory schooling: progress in the physical domain: Aspect 1 Movement Patterns: Aspect 2 Movement Activities


    Unit 6 - The Cognitive Domain

    The nature of the cognitive domain: The levels of cognitive process: The types of knowledge: The cognitive domain in physical education: Aspect 1 Constituents and principles of movement: Aspect 2 Adopting a physically active lifestyle


    Unit 7 - The Affective Domain

    The importance of attitudes in progress in physical education: Theory related to the Affective Domain: Progress in the Affective Domain as compared to progress in the Physical and Cognitive Domains: Progress in the Affective Domain: Aspect 1 Motivation: Aspect 2 Confidence: Aspect 3  Autonomy


    Unit 8 - Viewing the Physical, Cognitive and Affective Holistically

    The holistic nature of individual learner progress: Scenarios of individual learners illustrating the holistic nature of learning


    Unit 9 - Teaching to Facilitate and Enhance Progress

    Rational, reflective and responsive teaching: Learner-centred teaching: Taking account of learners as holistic and unique: Using the ladders of progress to support the holistic progress of each individual learner: Principles for facilitating and enhancing progress: Supporting learners to take responsibility for own learning


    Unit 10 - Recognising and Charting Progress

    Recognising and charting learner progress holistically: Recognising and charting the progress of individual learners: Recognising progress: Observation for learning: Assessment for learning: Feedback for learning: Charting progress for learning: Supporting learners to develop their ability to observe, assess provide feedback and to chart their own progress


    Unit 11 - The Importance of a Progressive Curriculum in Supporting Learner Progress

    Definitions of curriculum and approaches to curriculum planning: The physical education curriculum: Some key considerations in relation to curriculum planning


    Unit 12 - The Broader Context

    Working together as a team: Working with others in the school: The external context


    Susan Capel is a Professor Emerita at Brunel University, London.

    Margaret Whitehead is currently a Visiting Professor at the University of Bedfordshire and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra.

    Julia Lawrence is Assistant Professor at Northumbria University and Secondary Lead Mentor for Scarborough Teaching Alliance.