1st Edition

Psychoanalysis and Infant Research

By Joseph D. Lichtenberg Copyright 1991
    278 Pages
    by Routledge

    278 Pages
    by Routledge

    Lichtenberg collates and summarizes recent findings about the first two years of life in order to examine their implications for contemporary psychoanalysis. He explores the implications of these data for the unfolding sense of self, and then draws on these data to reconceptualize the analytic situation and to formulate an experiential account of the therapeutic action of analysis.

    I. The Neonate  1. The Challenge for Psychoanalytic Theory from Neonate Research  2. How Can We Examine the Beginning Sense of Self and Object?  II. The First Year  3. Toward and Adaptational Perspective on the First Year  4. Do We Need to Postulate Self-Object Differentiation in the First Year?  5. Additional Timetable Considerations  6. Reflections on Id and Ego in the First Year  III. The Second Year  7. The Beginnings of an Imaging Capacity and Sign-Signal Informational Exchange  8. Speculations on the Self-as-a-Whole as an "Emergent Property"  9. The Effect of Assertiveness and Genital Awareness on the Emergent Self  10. Symbolic Representation and Consolidation of Sense of Self  IV. Applications  11. Erotogenic Zones Versus Alternative Organizational Models of Infancy  12. The Psychoanalytic Situation and Infancy  13.  An Experiential Conception of What Is Curative in Psychoanalysis


    Joseph D. Lichtenberg, M.D., is Editor-in-Chief of Psychoanaytic Inquiry, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and past President of the International Council for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology.  He has authored and edited numerous books and articles, including Craft and Spirit: A Guide to the Exploratory Psychotherapies (Analytic Press, 2005) and, with Frank Lachmann and James Fosshage,  A Sprit of Inquiry: Communication in Psychoanalysis (Analytic Press, 2002).

    "Lichtenberg, in this book, has clearly undertaken an important and extremely difficult task.  He has integrated the current work of two fields of behavioral science which attempt to understand and explain the development of the normal and the pathologically marred child and adult. He is also, however, suggesting alterations in our theory of the mind, alterations in technique, and alterations in our theory of cure.  This book might, therefore, serve as a point of departure in discussions as to the nature of theory and treatment.  It can also serve as a bridge to discussion with scientists outside our profession who are involved in the direct observation of children."

    - Sydney M. Lytton, M.D., Bulletin of the Psychoanalytic Association of New York

    "Psychoanalysis and Infant Research is one of the most important publications in our discipline in recent years, mandatory reading for all psychotherapists.  There is so much information and so many ideas packed into the book that one can only mention some of the high points in the hope that the reader will turn directly to the book."

    - Richard D. Chessick, Ph.D., Dynamic Psychotherapy