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Psychoanalysis in a New Key

About the Series

When music is played in a new key, the melody does not change, but the notes that make up the composition do: change in the context of continuity, continuity that perseveres through change. Psychoanalysis in a New Key publishes books that share the aims psychoanalysts have always had, but that approach them differently. The books in the series are not expected to advance any particular theoretical agenda, although to this date most have been written by analysts from the Interpersonal and Relational orientations.

The most important contribution of a psychoanalytic book is the communication of something that nudges the reader’s grasp of clinical theory and practice in an unexpected direction. Psychoanalysis in a New Key creates a deliberate focus on innovative and unsettling clinical thinking. Because that kind of thinking is encouraged by exploration of the sometimes surprising contributions to psychoanalysis of ideas and findings from other fields, Psychoanalysis in a New Key particularly encourages interdisciplinary studies. Books in the series have married psychoanalysis with dissociation, trauma theory, sociology, and criminology. The series is open to the consideration of studies examining the relationship between psychoanalysis and any other field – for instance, biology, literary and art criticism, philosophy, systems theory, anthropology, and political theory.

But innovation also takes place within the boundaries of psychoanalysis, and Psychoanalysis in a New Key therefore also presents work that reformulates thought and practice without leaving the precincts of the field. Books in the series focus, for example, on the significance of personal values in psychoanalytic practice, on the complex interrelationship between the analyst’s clinical work and personal life, on the consequences for the clinical situation when patient and analyst are from different cultures, and on the need for psychoanalysts to accept the degree to which they knowingly satisfy their own wishes during treatment hours, often to the patient’s detriment.

84 Series Titles

Per Page

The Trauma of Racism Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter

The Trauma of Racism: Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter

1st Edition

Edited By Beverly J. Stoute, Michael Slevin
October 31, 2022

The Trauma of Racism: Lessons from the Therapeutic Encounter is a pioneering reflection on the psychology of racism and its impact on us all. With the intimacy of personal experience and depth of analytic exposition, the authors expose racism’s searing effects on personal, clinical, and community ...

From Budapest to Psychoanalysis Three Portraits and their Analytic Frames

From Budapest to Psychoanalysis: Three Portraits and their Analytic Frames

1st Edition

Edited By Veronica Csillag
September 27, 2022

This book follows the personal and professional journeys of three Jewish women from Budapest, originally classmates in the same high school. The book shows how they and their families were marked by the Shoah, and explores the impact of the social, cultural, and political milieu in which they ...

Attuned Treatment of Developmental Trauma Non-abused, High-functioning People Living Outside of Time

Attuned Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Non-abused, High-functioning People Living Outside of Time

1st Edition

By Kathleen Adams
August 30, 2022

This book takes a painstaking look at developmental trauma as it manifests in group, individual, and combined psychotherapies, tracking the growth of non-abused individuals who have courageously addressed overwhelming childhood experiences to make sense of the chaos in their lives. The cumulative ...

Playing and Becoming in Psychoanalysis

Playing and Becoming in Psychoanalysis

1st Edition

By Steven H. Cooper
July 29, 2022

Building on Winnicott’s theory of play, this book defines the concept of play from the perspective of clinical practice, elaborating on its application to clinical problems. Although Winnicott’s theory of play constitutes a radical understanding of the intersubjectivity of therapy, Cooper contends...

Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self A Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment

Early Relational Trauma and the Development of the Self: A Model of Therapeutic Accompaniment

1st Edition

By Tomás Casado-Frankel, María Eugenia Herrero
June 01, 2022

Through the attentive examination of a single case study, this book weaves together the lived experiences of a clinician in training with those of their teenage patient, as they collectively navigate and overcome the profound effects of early relational trauma on the development of the self. By ...

Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Breaking Boundaries

Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis: Breaking Boundaries

1st Edition

Edited By Roger Frie, Pascal Sauvayre
May 24, 2022

Winner of the 2023 American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize! Culture, Politics and Race in the Making of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis traces the emergence of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and demonstrates how the radical, cross-disciplinary dialogues that form its foundation are ...

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adolescents College student development and treatment

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adolescents: College student development and treatment

1st Edition

By Philip Rosenbaum, Richard Webb
May 06, 2022

In this book, Philip Rosenbaum and Richard Webb consider the complexities of working as counselors and psychotherapists for college students, and offer a broad and detailed account of the developmental issues essential to understanding adolescent experience. Drawing on existentialism, cultural ...

Clinical Spinoza Integrating His Philosophy with Contemporary Therapeutic Practice

Clinical Spinoza: Integrating His Philosophy with Contemporary Therapeutic Practice

1st Edition

By Ian Miller
April 22, 2022

Discovering Spinoza's early modern psychology some 35 years into his own clinical practice, Ian Miller now gives shape to this connection through a close reading of Spinoza's key philosophical ideas. With a rigorous and expansive analysis of Spinoza's Ethics in particular, Miller explores how ...

Psychoanalysis on the Verge of Language Clinical Cases on the Edge

Psychoanalysis on the Verge of Language: Clinical Cases on the Edge

1st Edition

By Dana Amir
September 10, 2021

This book examines the importance of language and writing in psychoanalytic theory and practice, offering an understanding of how language works can give a deeper insight into the psyche both in clinical practice and everyday life. Bringing together psychoanalytic insights that hinge on the ...

Exigent Psychoanalysis The Interventions of Jean Laplanche

Exigent Psychoanalysis: The Interventions of Jean Laplanche

1st Edition

By Gila Ashtor
August 17, 2021

Exigent Psychoanalysis: The Interventions of Jean Laplanche offers a bold exploration of the contemporary psychoanalytic field by focusing on key issues through the lens of one of this century's most exacting and invigorating psychoanalytic theorists.  Deliberately taking an integrative approach ...

The Analyst’s Vulnerability Impact on Theory and Practice

The Analyst’s Vulnerability: Impact on Theory and Practice

1st Edition

By Karen J. Maroda
July 20, 2021

This book closely examines the analyst’s early experiences and character traits, demonstrating the impact they have on theory building and technique. Arguing that choice of theory and interventions are unconsciously shaped by clinicians’ early experiences, this book argues for greater ...

Blooming in December: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Older Adults

Blooming in December: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Older Adults

1st Edition

By Amy Schaffer
April 13, 2021

This book covers the essentials of psychotherapeutic work with older adults, discussing how contemporary psychodynamic thought can be applied clinically to engage the older patient in psychotherapeutic work of depth and meaning, work that not only relieves suffering but also promotes growth. ...

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