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Psychology Revivals

About the Series

Psychology Revivals is an initiative aiming to re-issue a wealth of academic works which have long been unavailable. Following the success of the Routledge Revivals programme, this time encompassing a vast range from across the Behavioural Sciences, Psychology Revivals draws upon a distinguished catalogue of imprints and authors associated with both Routledge and Psychology Press, restoring to print books by some of the most influential scholars of the last 120 years.

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339 Series Titles

Per Page

Psychological Processes and Advertising Effects Theory, Research, and Applications

Psychological Processes and Advertising Effects: Theory, Research, and Applications

1st Edition

Edited By Linda F. Alwitt, Andrew A. Mitchell
July 20, 2023

In the 1980s our understanding of how advertising affects consumer behavior was undergoing a dramatic transformation. Recent theoretical and methodological advances in cognitive psychology, social cognition, and artificial intelligence were largely responsible for this transformation. These ...

Aggressive Behavior Genetic and Neural Approaches

Aggressive Behavior: Genetic and Neural Approaches

1st Edition

Edited By Edward C. Simmel, Martin E. Hahn, James K. Walters
June 30, 2023

Since the heyday of research on aggression in the late 1960s, developments in several varied areas had enabled us to take a new look at this important though difficult topic. Recent findings and sophisticated new techniques in behavior genetic analysis at the time had made it possible not only to ...

An Introduction to Hearing

An Introduction to Hearing

1st Edition

By David M. Green
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1976, this introduction to hearing was intended to provide a sufficient introduction to each of several subareas of hearing so that the serious student can read the more advanced treatments with greater appreciation and understanding. It was intended for upper graduate and ...

Autobiographies in Experimental Psychology Frank A. Beach, Fred S. Keller, Howard H. Kendler, Karl H. Pribram, Curt P. Richter

Autobiographies in Experimental Psychology: Frank A. Beach, Fred S. Keller, Howard H. Kendler, Karl H. Pribram, Curt P. Richter

1st Edition

Edited By Ronald Gandelman
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1985, the proceedings in this volume followed a different format from the usual symposium. Participants were asked to share their lives and thoughts about the future of the discipline; to share insights which come only from looking upon long, productive, and innovative ...

Behavior Genetics Principles and Applications

Behavior Genetics: Principles and Applications

1st Edition

Edited By John L. Fuller, Edward C. Simmel
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1983, this volume is a collection of papers by research workers active at the time. It includes reviews of special areas within the field and discussions of interactions with other behavioral sciences such as psychology, ethology, and sociobiology. Applications to medicine, ...

Empathy Development, Training, and Consequences

Empathy: Development, Training, and Consequences

1st Edition

By Arnold P. Goldstein, Gerald Y. Michaels
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1985, this book sought to thoroughly examine and better understand a dimension of interpersonal relations which at the time had often proven elusive, confusing, and quite difficult to operationalize. Empathy had been diversely defined, hard to measure, often resistant to ...

Eye Movements and Psychological Functions International Views

Eye Movements and Psychological Functions: International Views

1st Edition

Edited By Rudolf Groner, Christine Menz, Dennis F. Fisher, Richard A. Monty
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1983, this volume represents the edited proceedings of the first conference organized by the European Group for Eye Movement Research with the theme "Eye Movements: Current Research and Methodology". The conference was held at the Department of Psychology, University of Bern...

Human Information Processing Tutorials in Performance and Cognition

Human Information Processing: Tutorials in Performance and Cognition

1st Edition

Edited By Barry H. Kantowitz
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1974, this volume presents seven detailed views of human information processing at the time. While no single volume can do justice to the breadth of the area, it was hoped that the present selections reflected both the content and methodological approaches currently used by ...

Hypnosis in Therapy

Hypnosis in Therapy

1st Edition

By H. B. Gibson, M. Heap
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1991, this book covers a comprehensive range of the applications of hypnotic techniques in therapy for psychological disorders, and medical conditions where such techniques are a valuable adjunct. In the years before publication psychologists, medical doctors, dentists and ...

Infants at Risk Assessment of Cognitive Functioning

Infants at Risk: Assessment of Cognitive Functioning

1st Edition

Edited By Richard B. Kearsley, Irving E. Sigel
June 30, 2023

What methodologies within the behavioral sciences have clinical application for the diagnosis and management of high risk and handicapped infants? Originally published in 1979, this volume not only deals with this issue, but illustrates the contributions that behavioral science may have offered ...

Issues in Person Perception

Issues in Person Perception

1st Edition

Edited By Mark Cook
June 30, 2023

Life becomes difficult for the judges of others when they are presented with a number of facts about someone which all point in different directions, or which point in no direction at all. Originally published in 1984, this volume brings together research on four major issues involved in judging ...

Language and Mental Development

Language and Mental Development

1st Edition

By Pierre Oléron
June 30, 2023

Originally published in 1977, this book considers the role language plays in psychological development. It tries to avoid general discussions of "language and thought", an approach already sufficiently developed by philosophers and (although somewhat less) by psychologists. Instead it attempts to ...

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