1st Edition

Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children Eclectic Group Conductors and Creative Play

    32 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    32 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children presents a simple, accessible, and preventative approach to psychotherapeutic interventions.

    The authors explore how this form of group work can strengthen resilience and prevent an increase in antisocial behavioural tendencies among children.  Based on a process of shared meaning communication, the book explains how professionals can help children to engage in in-group creative play and allow them to experience their self in relation to others. Castrechini-Franieck and Bittner draw on their experiences of working with children in groups, supplemented with therapeutic elements from Gestalt therapy and ontological psychoanalysis. This approach helps children to achieve a stable state of emotional well-being while improving their behaviour at school, along with their social skills.

    Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children will be a key reading for psychotherapists and other professionals working with vulnerable children including psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers.

    Series Editor’s Foreword

    Foreword "Together We Are Strong!"  T-WAS




    Appendix to the introduction



    Conceptual source of inspiration

    Chapter 1. The interplay between antisocial tendencies and aggression


    Chapter 2. The intersection of Gestalt therapy and ontological psychoanalysis


    Chapter 3. Running children’s groups in partnership: what does this mean?



    Together We Are Strong (T-WAS)

    Chapter 4. The challenges behind the scenes


          Chapter 5. Eclectic group conductors


    Chapter 6. Setting


    Chapter 7. Creative play


    Chapter 8. Three different children’s groups


    Chapter 9. Direct challenges to the eclectic group conductors posed by the children


    Chapter 10. Reflections on T-WAS (Together We Are Strong)


    Maria Leticia Castrechini Fernandes Franieck, PhD, is a registered Chartered Counselling Psychologist in the UK, an i.t. Group Analyst with the Seminar für Gruppenanalyse Zürich, and a licensed Psychotherapist and Supervisor in Germany. Working with highly vulnerable populations is central to her clinical practice, and her studies were funded by the International Psychoanalytical Association.

    Niko Bittner is a qualified pedagogue and Gestalt therapist, as well as a systemic trainer and coach. He works in youth social work and is a seminar leader at the Odenwald Institute, Germany, where he trains conflict coaches, among other things.