1st Edition

Public Execution in England, 1573–1868, Part I Vol 3

By Leigh Yetter Copyright 2010
    512 Pages
    by Routledge

    The execution narrative was a popular genre in early modern England. This facsimile edition draws together a representative selection of texts to show the evolution of the genre from the late sixteenth century to the end of public execution in England nearly 300 years later.

    Volume 3 Part II, 1675–1777 Introduction to Part II Public Execution in England, 1675–1777, INews from Execution-dock, or, the Last Speeches and Confession of the Two Notorious Pirates (1675) An Account of the Particular Crimes, Confessions, Speeches, and Executions of the Prisoners [1676] The Confession and Execution of the Seven Prisoners Suffering at Tyburn (1677) The Execution of Mr. Robert Foulks, Late Minister of Stanton-Lacy in Shropshire (1679) The Behaviour and Execution of Robert Green and Laurence Hill (1679) The Speech of Richard Langhorn Esq; at his Execution (1679) The Execution of the Fifteen Prisoners Fair Warning f om Tybvrn, or the Several Confessions and Executions of the Fifteen Notorious Malefactors that Suffered there on Munday the 8 of March [1680] The True Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Fifteen Prisoners at Tyburn on Monday the 8th of this Instant March 1679 [1680] 5A True Copy of the Paper Delivered by James Clough [1680] The True Confession of Margret Clark (1680) The Execution Of Edward Fitzharris The Last Speech of Edward Fitz-harris, at the Time of his Execution at Tyburn the First of July (1681) Some Short but Necessary Animadversions on the Paper Delivered to Dr. Hawkins (1681) The Confession and Execution of Laticia Wigington of Ratclif [1681] An Exact Account of the Manner of the Execution of Algernoon Sidney Esq (1681) The Execution of Walcot, Hone and Rose A True Account of the Confession and Behaviour of the Three Late Notorious Traytors (1683) A True Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Three Prisonrs at Tyburn (1683) Execution of Stokes, Davis and Williamson The Last Dying Speeches, Confession, and Execution of John Stokes, Isaac Davis, Mary Williamson and Alice Paddison (1684) A True Narrative of the Confession and Execution of the Four Prisoners Executed at Tyburn (1684) The Execution of Edmund Kirk The Behaviour of Edward Kirk, Af er his Condemnation for Murdering his Wife (1684) An Exact and True Relation of the Behaviour of Edmund Kirk, John Bennet, Morgan Keading and Andrew Hill [1684] A True Paper Delivered by Edmund Kirk (1684) The True Account of the Behaviour and Confessions of the Condemned Crim[1]inals in Newgate (1685) An Account of the Manner, Behaviour and Execution of Mary Aubry (1687) The Last Speech and Confession of Edward Altham (1688) A True Account of the Behaviour and Confession of the Nine Criminals (1689) A Full and True Account of the Confession, Behaviour, Last Dying Speeches, and PenitenThend of Greenway Feild (1689) The Speech of James Bird (1691) The Execution of Henry Harrison The Last Words of a Dying Penitent (1692) A True Copy of a Letter, Writen by Mr. Harrison, in Newgate, to a Near Relation [c. 1692] An Account of the Conversation Behaviour and Execution of William Anderton Printer (1693) 1A True Account of the Behaviour of Mr. Francis Newland (1695) The Execution of William Parkyns and John Friend An Account of what Passed at the Execution of Sr. Will. Parkyns and Sir John Friend (1696) A True Copy of the Papers Delivered by Sir John Friend, and Sir William Parkyns to the Sherif s of London and Middlesex (1696) The Execution of Rookwood, Cranburn and Lowick A True Account of the Dying Behaviour of Ambrose Rookwood, Charles Cranburne, and Major Lowick (1696) An Account of the Execution of Brigadier Rookwood, Major Lowick, and Mr. Cranburn at Tyburn (1696) A True Copy of the Paper Delivered by Brigadier Rookwood, to the Sher[1]if s of London and Middlesex (1696) A True and Impartial Account of the Birth, Parentage, Education, Life and Conversation of Edmund Audley (1698) The True Confession of Mr. George Norton (1699) The Execution of John Peter Dramatti The Ordinary of Newgate his Account of the Behaviour, Confessions, and Dying-Words, of John Peter Dramatti (1703) The Confession of John Peter Dramatti, a Frenchman, Executed at Tyburn (1703) P. Lorraine, The Ordinary’s Account of the Behaviour, Last Dying Speech and Confession of Mr. Roger Lowen [1706] The Ordinary’s Account of the Life and Conversation, Birth, Parentage and Education of John Herman Bryan (1707) The Execution of Deborah Churchill The Whole Life and Conversation, Birth, Parentage and Education of Deborah Churchill (1708) The Ordinary of Newgate his Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Last Speech of Deborah Churchill [1708] A True Copy of the Paper at large, lef by Mrs. Deborah Churchill, which she deliver’d at the Place of Execution to a Friend of hers (1708) An Account of the Life, Birth, Death, Parentage, and Conversation, of Mr. John Addison (1711) The Whole Tryal, Life and Conversation, Birth, Parentage, and Education, of the Lady Aberganey (1712) The True Copy of the Original Paper Signed by Mr. Richard Noble (1713) The Execution of Nathanael Parkhurst The Case or Declaration of Nath. Parkhurst Gent. who was Executed at Tyburn May the 20th 1715 Written in his own Hand (1715) The Ordinary of Newgate his Account of the Behaviour and Declaration of Nathanael Parkhurst, Esq [1715] The Execution of James Sheppard A Narrative, or the Ordinary of Newgate’s Account of what Passed Between him and James Sheppard (1715) Dying Speech of James Shepheard, who Suffer’d Death at Tyburn (1715) The Ordinary of Newgate his Account of the Behaviours, Confessions, and Last Dying Words of the Malefactors that were Executed at Tyburn [c. 1720] The Ordinary of Newgate his Account of the Behaviour, Confessions, and Last Dying Words of the Malefactors that were Executed at Tyburn [1721] The Ordinary of Newgate’s Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and last Dying Speech of Matthias Brinsden (1722) The Ordinary of Newgate his Account, of the Behaviour, Confession, and Last Dying Words of the Seven Blacks [1723] The Ordinary of Newgate his Account, of the Behaviour, Confession, and Last Dying Words of the Two Malefactors [1724] Suburban Executions The Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words, of the Malefactors, who were Executed at Kennington-Common (1735) A Full, True, and Genuine Account of the Uncommon Behaviour of Mr. Gill Smith (1738) A Genuine Account of the Lives, Characters, Behaviours, Confessions, and Dying Words of the Six Malefactors that were Executed at Kennington Common (1739) The Life, Behaviour, Last Dying Words and Confession of Charles Drew, esq [c. 1740] News f om the Dead, or a Faithful and Genuine Narrative of an Extraordinary Combat Between Life and Death [1740] A Genuine Account of the Behaviours, Confessions, and Dying Words, of the Six Malefactors [1742] Editorial Notes


    Leigh Yetter