1st Edition

Public Execution in England, 1573–1868, Part I Vol 4

By Leigh Yetter Copyright 2010
    414 Pages
    by Routledge

    The execution narrative was a popular genre in early modern England. This facsimile edition draws together a representative selection of texts to show the evolution of the genre from the late sixteenth century to the end of public execution in England nearly 300 years later.

    Volume 4 Part II, 1675–1777, Public Execution in England, 1675–1777 James Guthrie, The Ordinary of Newgate, his Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of Abraham Pass (1743) A True Copy of the Papers Wrote by James Maben, who was Executed Saturday, August (1744) Samuel Rossell, A Genuine Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words, of the Malefactors, who were Executed at Tyburn [1746] Execution of Jacobites, 1746 A Genuine Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of Francis Townly, (Nominal) Colonel of the Manchester Regiment, Thomas Deacon, James Dawson, John Barwick, George Fletcher, and Andrew Blood [1746] Authentic Copies of the Letters and Other Papers Delivered, at their Execution, by the Nine Rebels [1746] A Genuine Account of the Lives, Behaviour, Confession and Dying Words of the Five Rebels (1746) The Murder of Sarah Green The Solemn Declaration of Richard Coleman [1749] A True and Impartial Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of the Four Malefactors [1751] The Only Genuine and Authentic Narrative of the Proceedings of the Late Capt. James Lowrey [1752] Copy of what Dr. Archibald intended to have delivered to the Sheriff of Middlesex at the Place of Execution [1753] My Christian Brethren! [1755] A Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of William Cannicott (1756) The Genuine Life, Trial, and Dying Words of Eugene Aram (1759) Stephen Roe, The Ordinary of Newgate’s Account of the Behaviour, Confession, and Dying Words of Four Malefactors (1760) An Account of the Execution of the Late Laurence Earl Ferrers (1760) The Last Dying Speech (and Last Farewell to the World) of Sarah Metyard [1762] The Execution of Elizabeth Brownrigg Joseph Moore, The Ordinary of Newgate’s Account of the Behaviour, Confession and Dying Words of Elizabeth Brownrigg [1767] Genuine Authentic Narrative of the Life, Trial, and Execution, of Elizabeth Brownrigg (1767) A Genuine Account of the Life, Robberies, Trial and Execution of William Cox (1773) John Villette, A Genuine Account of the Behaviour and Dying-Words of Daniel Perreau and Robert Perreau [1776] John Villette, A Genuine Account of the Behaviour and Dying Words of William Dodd, LLD (1777) Editorial Notes


    Leigh Yetter