1st Edition

Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts

By Anna CohenMiller, Nettie Boivin Copyright 2022
    260 Pages
    by Routledge

    260 Pages
    by Routledge

    Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts take readers on an accessible and inspiring journey to critically self-reflect on current or future research practices to encourage and facilitate greater equity, inclusion, and social justice in qualitative research.

    In a diverse world, "doing" qualitative research needs unpacking and developing awareness of interconnected perspectives and challenges. However, as researchers, there is not always a chance to fully prepare or self-reflect on the processes and experiences. This book raises awareness of key multidimensional aspects of social justice, such as power, privilege, trust, insider-outsiderness, ethics, arts-based, co-produced, and decolonial research. The authors connect theory and conceptual constructs with practical in-field realities, guiding researchers through the dynamic, evolving steps to give voice to and promote social justice practices in research.

    The book includes the following features to guide thinking for researchers and students:

    • Bolded key terms and questions for self-reflection.
    • Boxed case studies from both top international scholars and emerging scholars.
    • Glossary of key terms.

    This foundational book can be used as a jumping-off point to engage and critically self-reflect about research moving us towards decolonizing research practice, creating more inclusive, equitable, and socially just research. It will be suitable for upper-level and postgraduate students and all researchers interested in qualitative methods in education and the social and behavioral sciences.

    How is Social Justice Foundational in Qualitative Research: An Introduction

    1. Owning Our Power

    with Kakali Bhattacharya, Polina Golovátina-Mora and Raúl Alberto Mora

    2. Unpacking the Meaning and Practice of Trust

    with Jennifer R. Wolgemuth and Fatma F. S. Said

    3. Uncovering the Spectrum of Insider-Outsiderness

    with Linda Tuhiwai Smith and Arceli Rosario

    4. Awareness in Social Justice and Transformative Research

    with Donna M. Mertens, Tineke A. Abma and Nupur Samuel

    5. Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries within the Research Team

    with A. Atia Apusigah, Akmaral Sman, Roxanne Henkin, Gopal Krishna Sharma, Purva G. Sharma and Mashaba Mashala

    6. Moving between Face-to-Face and Online Engagement

    with Carolyn Ellis and Tamsin Hinton-Smith

    7. Integrating the Arts with Collaboration and Co-Production

    with Patricia Leavy and Nadia Dresscher-Lambertus

    8. Applying Social Justice in Research and Practice in Multicultural Contexts

    with Sharon M. Ravitch


    Anna CohenMiller is an arts-based qualitative research methodologist and award-winning educator, who examines issues of equity and inclusion in higher education in Kazakhstan and internationally.

    Nettie Boivin is a decolonial multimodal, multisensory ethnographer who examines issues of diversity and inclusion for marginalized, transmigrant families and communities in Europe and internationally.

    "Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts is an outstanding text for conducting social-justice oriented qualitative research in today’s world. Special features such as "reflections for the field" written by leading researchers add a layer of depth to this book. Thoughtfully organized, well-written, with timely examples, this text will serve students and researchers well." -- Patricia Leavy, Ph.D., author of Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Approaches

    "CohenMiller and Boivin have brought all of us in the field of qualitative methods to the table to better understand social justice practices in our research. Each chapter in the text has something to offer us given the many approaches and theories behind qualitative approaches to understanding the social world. Beginning, intermediate and experienced qualitative researchers will find something provocative to inspire them on the research journey." -- Valerie J. Janesick, Ph.D., author of Contemplative Qualitative Inquiry: Practicing the Zen of Research and "Stretching" Exercises for Qualitative Researchers

    "The politics of the choices we make beyond basic methodological decisions are more meaningful today than ever before. It is vital for qualitative researchers to ask reflexive and critical questions of themselves, such as: who and what do / should we research, and why? How should we conduct that research? Where and when? Who are ‘we’ as researchers, and how do the ways in which we conceptualise our ‘researcher identity’ impact on our research? Anna CohenMiller and Nettie Boivin along with their colleagues effectively illuminate these issues, and provide real-world solutions to produce not only high-quality qualitative research, but also to generate transformative change addressing urgent issues of social justice and equity for our multicultural world." -- Ronald J. Chenail, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, The Qualitative Report

    "Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts, authored by Anna CohenMiller and Nettie Boivin, is a unique textbook that provides a much-needed guide to help researchers engage in reflexivity and criticality. By providing a resource for readers to arrive at thought-provoking questions, including questions that represent the 5W1H (also known as Six Ws), this dynamic and timely book will help researchers to identify their positionality, as well as to understand the role that it plays in their meaning-making processes. Further, by focusing on social justice, ethics, and online research, this book will inspire researchers to consider their roles, affect, and, above all, humanness during the research process. The section on Reflections from the Field, which appears in every chapter and which includes case studies and reflections provided by both well-known international scholars and emerging scholars, makes the book reader-friendly and far-reaching. Simply put, this inspirational book begins to fill a void in a way that will make a significant contribution to the literature." -- Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK; Distinguished Visiting Professor University of Johannesburg, South Africa

    "Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Researcher in Multicultural Contexts will help novice researchers and those who teach them to understand foundational concepts essential for designing, enacting, and evaluating social justice research. The generative balance of academic text and reflexive researcher writings enlivens the text and teaches that research is embodied, political, and, that it can be transformative. Key concepts are explained in ways that illuminate their methodological and practical interconnections. This is an essential guide to developing research that can help to heal our hurting world, one study at a time." -- Sharon M. Ravitch, Ph.D., Professor of Practice, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education

    "Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts is the social justice thinking text for all qualitative researchers. In a field where answers are neither easy nor determinate, CohenMiller and Boivin offer a timely and essential resource for anticipating and thinking through the questions and issues that invariably arise in all multi-cultural qualitative research. Personably written and engaging, with reflective contributions from prominent qualitative scholars, this book will be the reflexivity companion text for doing qualitative social justice research." -- Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Educational Research at the University of South Florida and directs the Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research