1st Edition

Race, Gender, and Welfare Reform The Elusive Quest for Self-Determination

By Vanessa Sheared Copyright 1999

    First published in 1999, this study starts with Martin Luther’s I have a dream speech on equality for all. Dr. King’s words still reflect the hopes, ideals, and aspirations of many women seeking to improve the quality of their lives and their children’s. Exploring the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Program (JOBS) for women, public assistive changes in the education and job training in the welfare system pertaining to African American women. Holding up past explanations of welfare dependence of the 'culture of poverty' or' feminisation of poverty' and a more recent focus of 'urban underclass', the author notes that these fail to include African American experiences, in particular female's experiences and failed to adequately address the historical, political, socio-economic, sexist and racial ideologies that prevailed within American society. This study also looks at the problems and issues related to poverty by examination of legislative policies and their impact on those who were most effected by them- the policy enforcers and the woman/families receiving public assistance.

    Chapter One Contextualization and Methodological Framework Chapter Two Literature Review Marginalization, Public Assistance and African American Women Chapter Three Legislative History From Workfare to Edfare Chapter Four The Quest for the Dream Variations on a Theme Chapter Five Discussions and Recommendations


    Vanessa Sheared