1st Edition

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Theoretical Developments

Edited By Dr Windy Dryden Copyright 2003

    Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments is a cutting edge examination of the theory behind this popular approach within the cognitive-behavioural tradition. Distinguished practitioners and authors discuss the relevance of:
    · cross-disciplinary factors affecting REBT
    · REBT as an intentional therapy
    · differentiating preferential from exaggerated and musturbatory beliefs in REBT
    · irrational beliefs as schemata.
    Thought-provoking presentation of case studies and the latest theory revision give Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: Theoretical Developments a distinctive slant: a challenging discussion of the approach's openness to revision from within and outside the ranks of REBT, and its implications for the future.

    Series Preface. Dryden, "The Cream Cake Made Me Eat it": An Introduction to the ABC Theory of REBT. Ellis, Differentiating Preferential from Exaggerated and Musturbatory Beliefs in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. Robb, REBT: Thinking it Through Once More. Backx, REBT as an Intentional Therapy. Nielsen, How Deep Can We Go? How Deep Should We Go? Irrational Beliefs as Schemata. McMahon, Notes on Self and Values in REBT. David, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT): The View of a Cognitive Psychologist. Doyle, The Contribution of Social Psychology to Rational Emotive Behaviour Theory. S. P. Kodish, B. I. Kodish, Contributions of General Semantics to REBT Theory: Evolutionary Psychology and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. Pelusi, Theoretical Developments in REBT as Applied to Schizophrenia.


    Windy Dryden

    This volume is for all Relational Emotive Behaviour Therapists and Cognitive Behaviour Therapists who desire to look more closely at their theories and practice, so as to develop new strategies in practice and research. I would recommend this book be on every REBTer's and CBTer's bookshelf. - John Blackburn, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 2005