1st Edition

Real Data A Statistics Workbook Based on Empirical Data

By Zealure Holcomb Copyright 1997
    144 Pages
    by Routledge

    144 Pages
    by Routledge

    • In Real Data, students predict the answers to interesting questions. Then they analyze data supplied by leading researchers to see if there is empirical support for their predictions.

    • Students get practice in computing all the major statistics usually covered in an introductory statistics course.

    • Because each of the 35 exercises in Part A deals with only a limited number of statistics, the workbook is easily coordinated with all introductory statistics textbooks.

    • Part A emphasizes small data sets that are useful whether students are using calculators or computers. The exercises in this part are highly structured so students know exactly what is required of them.

    • Part B provides larger data sets for comprehensive analysis by computer users. Loosely structured, the data sets allow you to specify which statistics should be computed.

    • Sample topics: Kissing and Sexual Harassment; Basic Trust of Rape Survivors; Gambling and Stealing; Pregnancy Risk Among Adolescents Who Had Been Sexually Abused; Boys Interacting with Their Fathers; Racial Differences in Seeking Medical Assistance; Instructors’ Clothing and Student Evaluations; Students’ Attitudes Toward Math; and Physician-Assisted Suicide.

    • Using real data for analysis makes the traditional statistics class come alive.

    Introduction, Part A Data Sets for All Causes, Part B Larger Data Sets for Computer Users,


    Zealure Holcomb