1st Edition

Reconsidering the East Asian Peace Confluences, Regional Characteristics and Societal Transformations

Edited By William R. Thompson, Thomas J. Volgy Copyright 2025
    232 Pages 31 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    This volume re-examines the notion of the East Asian peace, arguing that it requires updating for the current and near-future context of US-Chinese rivalry.

    The “East Asian peace” refers to the remarkable change in conflict levels in eastern Eurasia over the past 80 years or even the past 130 years or so. Prior to the late 1970s, East Asia was regarded as the most conflictual region on the planet. Although insurgencies have continued in places such as Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines, after the 1980s East and Southeast Asia became one of the world’s least conflictual regions. Geopolitics and economic development worked hand in hand to reduce conflict in the region and, in this respect, the East Asian peace has been a confluential peace. The general problem with a confluential peace is that the factors that shape it evolve over time, and the specific circumstances in question seem to be evolving in a different direction, with East Asia shaping up to be the most central locale of the contest between US and Chinese hegemony, both regionally and perhaps globally. This book argues that the idea of the East Asian peace now requires adjustment to the current and near-future context. The more general arguments presented here focus on alternative interpretations of how regional peace and order should be interpreted, while the more specific arguments involve interpretations of Chinese and other countries’ behavior in the context of the heightened rivalry between China and the United States.

    This book will be of much interest to students of East Asian politics, peace studies, foreign policy, and international relations.

    1.  Re-evaluating the East Asian Peace?

    William R. Thompson and Thomas J. Volgy

    2. Transformational versus Confluential Peace: The East Asian Peace and How Five Models Work Better Together Than Apart

    William R. Thompson 

    3. Regional and Extra-regional Conflict in East Asia: An Analysis of Political Events, 1985-2018

    Kentaro Sakuwa

    4. How Solid Is the Third Leg of the Kantian Triad? Exploring the Relationship between Trade and Peace in East Asia

    Eunsong Yoon and Thomas J. Volgy

    5. Hierarchy and Political Capacity in East Asia’s Post-Cold War Regional Order

    J. Patrick Rhamey. Jr.

    6. The East Asian Peace and the Emergence of the Indo-Pacific

    Manjeet S. Pardesi

    7. Explaining the Rising Chinese Nationalist Revisionism: Implications for Regional Stability

    Benjamin Miller

    8. Taiwan as a Flash Point: Possible Lessons from the War in Ukraine

    Steve Chan and Weixing Hu

    9. There Is No East Asian Balancing against China

    David C. Kang

    10.  Conclusion: Whither the East Asian Peace?

    William R. Thompson and Thomas J. Volgy


    William R. Thompson is a Distinguished Professor and the Donald A. Rogers Professor of Political Science Emeritus at Indiana University, USA.

    Thomas J. Volgy is a Professor of Government and Public Policy at the University of Arizona, USA.