1st Edition

Regional Problems and Policies in Italy and France

By Kevin Allen, M. C. MacLennan Copyright 1970
    352 Pages
    by Routledge

    First published in 1970, Regional Problems and Policies in Italy and France examines the problem of regional imbalance in two important countries of Western Europe and emphasizes that policies aimed at promoting regional development must form an integral part of national economic policies.

    The book is divided into three parts—Part I: Regional Problems and Policies in Italy; part II: Regional Problems and Policies in France; and part III: Regional Policy: Three Issues. Part I and II analyze how regional policy in France and Italy has moved away from the public assistance type of intervention into new, broader approaches which require reorganization of traditional procedures, change in economic structures, introduction of new products and methods of production, movement of workers between areas and occupations, and shifts in geographical distribution of population and employment. Part III explores regional planning and growth centres or growth areas in the light of Fench and Italian experiences. It further analyses the regional effects of the EEC and gives a brief account of how British regional problems and policies would be affected by the membership of Community. This volume is an essential reading for students of Western European governmental policy and the European Economic Community.

    Introduction  Part I: Regional Problems and Policies in Italy  Introduction 1. The Problems of Southern Italy and its Origins  2. Southern Regional Policy up to 1965  3. Present Policies for Southern Development  4. Conclusions Part 2: Regional Problems and Policies in France  5. The Regional Problem in France  6. The Development of Regional Policy in France 1945–1958 7. Towards a National Policy for Regional Development 1958–1966  8. Growth Areas and French Regional Policy  9. Industrial Incentives and Controls  10. Regional Planning and Administration  11. The Results of French Regional Policy  Part 3. Regional Policy: Three Issues  12. Regional Planning  13. Growth Area Policy  14. The EEC and Regional Policy


    Kevin Allen, University of Glasgow, UK

    M. C. MacLennan, University of Glasgow, UK

    Review of the first publication:

    ‘Well-written and knowledgeable, it is a valuable guide to a complex subject.’

    — International Affairs, Volume 48, Issue 1