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Relational Perspectives

About the Series

Founding Editor:

Stephen Mitchell

Editor Emeritus:

Lewis Aron

Series Editors:
Adrienne Harris
Steven Kuchuck
Eyal Rozmarin

The Relational Perspectives Book Series (RPBS) publishes books that grow out of or contribute to the relational tradition in contemporary psychoanalysis. The term relational psychoanalysis was first used by Greenberg and Mitchell to bridge the traditions of interpersonal relations, as developed within interpersonal psychoanalysis and object relations, as developed within contemporary British theory. But, under the seminal work of the late Stephen A. Mitchell, the term relational psychoanalysis grew and began to accrue to itself many other influences and developments. Various tributaries—interpersonal psychoanalysis, object relations theory, self psychology, empirical infancy research, feminism, queer theory, sociocultural studies and elements of contemporary Freudian and Kleinian thought—flow into this tradition, which understands relational configurations between self and others, both real and fantasied, as the primary subject of psychoanalytic investigation.

 We refer to the relational tradition, rather than to a relational school, to highlight that we are identifying a trend, a tendency within contemporary psychoanalysis, not a more formally organized or coherent school or system of beliefs. Our use of the term relational signifies a dimension of theory and practice that has become salient across the wide spectrum of contemporary psychoanalysis. Now under the editorial supervision of Adrienne Harris, Steven Kuchuck and Eyal Rozmarin, the Relational Perspectives Book Series originated in 1990 under the editorial eye of the late Stephen A. Mitchell. Mitchell was the most prolific and influential of the originators of the relational tradition. Committed to dialogue among psychoanalysts, he abhorred the authoritarianism that dictated adherence to a rigid set of beliefs or technical restrictions. He championed open discussion, comparative and integrative approaches, and promoted new voices across the generations. Mitchell was later joined by the late Lewis Aron, also a visionary and influential writer, teacher and leading thinker in relational psychoanalysis.

 Included in the Relational Perspectives Book Series are authors and works that come from within the relational tradition, those that extend and develop that tradition, and works that critique relational approaches or compare and contrast them with alternative points of view. The series includes our most distinguished senior psychoanalysts, along with younger contributors who bring fresh vision. Our aim is to enable a deepening of relational thinking while reaching across disciplinary and social boundaries in order to foster an inclusive and international literature.   

136 Series Titles

Per Page

The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis: Volume II Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi

The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis: Volume II: Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi

1st Edition

By Carlo Bonomi
January 17, 2019

The Cut and the Building of Psychoanalysis Volume II explores how the unformulated trauma associated with surgery performed on Emma Eckstein’s genitalia, and the hallucinations that Eckstein experienced, influenced Freud’s self-analysis, oriented his biological speculations, and significantly ...

Psychoanalysis and Contemporary American Men Gender Identity in a Time of Uncertainty

Psychoanalysis and Contemporary American Men: Gender Identity in a Time of Uncertainty

1st Edition

By Steven Seidman, Alan Frank
November 05, 2018

Debate over gender and especially the lives of men is currently at a fever pitch, particularly in the United States. New perspectives that capture the complexity of men and a rapidly changing gender landscape are therefore critical today. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary American Men challenges ...

The Essential Writings of Sabina Spielrein Pioneer of Psychoanalysis

The Essential Writings of Sabina Spielrein: Pioneer of Psychoanalysis

1st Edition

By Sabina Spielrein, Ruth I. Cape, Raymond Burt
August 14, 2018

Sabina Spielrein’s writings explore the burning topics in the early days of psychoanalysis while providing insight into the culture of the time and her own personal struggles. After a comprehensive historical and biographical introduction to Spielrein by John Launer, The Essential Writings of ...

De-Idealizing Relational Theory A Critique From Within

De-Idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique From Within

1st Edition

Edited By Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce A. Slochower
June 13, 2018

Self-examination and self-critique: for psychoanalytic patients, this is the conduit to growth. Yet within the field, psychoanalysts haven’t sufficiently utilized their own methodology or subjected their own preferred approaches to systematic and critical self-examination. Across theoretical ...

Decentering Relational Theory A Comparative Critique

Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique

1st Edition

Edited By Lewis Aron, Sue Grand, Joyce A. Slochower
June 06, 2018

Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique invites relational theorists to contemplate the influence, overlaps, and relationship between relational theory and other perspectives. Self-critique was the focus of De-Idealizing Relational Theory. Decentering Relational Theory pushes critique...

The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst Explorations in Psychoanalytic Companioning

The Unobtrusive Relational Analyst: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Companioning

1st Edition

By Robert Grossmark
April 18, 2018

Psychoanalysts increasingly find themselves working with patients and states that are not amenable to verbal and dialogic engagement. Such patients are challenging for a psychoanalytic approach that assumes that the patient relates in the verbal realm and is capable of reflective function. Both the...

Developmental Perspectives in Child Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

Developmental Perspectives in Child Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy

1st Edition

Edited By Christopher Bonovitz, Andrew Harlem
February 20, 2018

Developmental Perspectives in Child Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy incorporates recent innovations in developmental theory and research into our understanding of the nature of change in child psychotherapy. Diverse psychoanalytic ideas and individual styles are represented, challenging the ...

Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders When Words Fail and Bodies Speak

Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders: When Words Fail and Bodies Speak

1st Edition

Edited By Tom Wooldridge
January 02, 2018

Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders: When Words Fail and Bodies Speak offers a compilation of some of the most innovative thinking on psychoanalytic approaches to the treatment of eating disorders available today. In its recognition of the multiple meanings of food, weight, and body shape,...

Memories and Monsters Psychology, Trauma, and Narrative

Memories and Monsters: Psychology, Trauma, and Narrative

1st Edition

Edited By Eric R. Severson, David Goodman
December 06, 2017

Memories and Monsters explores the nature of the monstrous or uncanny, and the way psychological trauma relates to memory and narration. This interdisciplinary book works on the borderland between psychology and philosophy, drawing from scholars in both fields who have helped mould the bourgeoning ...

Race in Psychoanalysis Aboriginal Populations in the Mind

Race in Psychoanalysis: Aboriginal Populations in the Mind

1st Edition

By Celia Brickman
December 05, 2017

Race in Psychoanalysis analyzes the often-unrecognized racism in psychoanalysis by examining how the colonialist discourse of late nineteenth-century anthropology made its way into Freud’s foundational texts, where it has remained and continues to exert a hidden influence. Recent racial violence, ...

Dramatic Dialogue Contemporary Clinical Practice

Dramatic Dialogue: Contemporary Clinical Practice

1st Edition

By Galit Atlas, Lewis Aron
November 13, 2017

In Dramatic Dialogue, Atlas and Aron develop the metaphors of drama and theatre to introduce a new way of thinking about therapeutic action and therapeutic traction. This model invites the patient’s many self-states and the numerous versions of the therapist’s self onto the analytic stage to dream ...

Relationships in Development Infancy, Intersubjectivity, and Attachment

Relationships in Development: Infancy, Intersubjectivity, and Attachment

1st Edition

By Stephen Seligman
November 08, 2017

The recent explosion of new research about infants, parental care, and infant-parent relationships has shown conclusively that human relationships are central motivators and organizers in development. Relationships in Development examines the practical implications for dynamic psychotherapy ...

37-48 of 136
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