1st Edition

Religion in Ancient History Studies in Ideas, Men and Events

By S.G.F. Brandon Copyright 1969

    Religion in Ancient History (1969) includes 25 essays on comparative religion, covering the origin of religion, and studies of the religions of the peoples of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece and Iran. It also includes essays on key ideas such as creation, death, time, the soul, and the judgement of the dead, and studies of figures like Osiris, Akhenaten, Job and Zarathustra. The book also deals extensively with religious ideas, men and events in the first three centuries A.D. and the spread of early Christianity.

    1. The Origin of Religion  2. ‘In the Beginning’  3. The Personification of Death in Some Ancient Religions  4. Time as God and Devil  5. The Idea of the Soul  6. The Idea of the Soul II  7. The Judgement of the Dead  8. Osiris  9. Akhenaten  10. The Tale of Gilgamesh  11. The Jewish Philosophy of History  12. The Book of Job  13. Zarathustra and the Dualism of Iran  14. Herod the Great  15. The Jews of History  16. The Trial of Jesus  17. Pontius Pilate in History and Legend  18. The Fall of Jerusalem A.D. 70  19. The Zealots  20. Josephus  21. St Paul  22. The Gnostic Problem in Early Christianity  23. The Devil  24. Angels  25. B.C. and A.D.: the Christian Philosophy of History


    S.G.F. Brandon