1st Edition

Repairing the Climate A Plea for Carbon Capture

By L.J. Reinders Copyright 2025
    306 Pages 7 Color & 23 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    306 Pages 7 Color & 23 B/W Illustrations
    by CRC Press

    Climate change is triggered by a too high concentration of greenhouse gases in the air, carbon dioxide in particular, primarily originating from fossil fuel-burning. Since such burning will not stop any time soon, the concentration will undoubtedly rise further, exacerbating climate change.  There is no escape from this.  That is where carbon capture comes in: direct air capture (DAC) scrubs the surplus carbon dioxide out of the air for actually lowering this concentration. At the same time emission levels must be drastically lowered by fitting point-source emitters with carbon capture installations. This book sets out the case for such carbon capture, which is a must, without which the climate cannot be repaired.

    Preface. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Introduction. The Global Carbon Picture. The 100% Renewable-Energy Option Explored. The Need for Carbon Capture. The Case of CCS for the Coal Sector. The Need and Status of Carbon Pricing. Materials and Processes for Carbon Capture. Post- and Pre-combustion Carbon Capture. Direct Carbon Removal. Compression, Transport and Storage. Utilization of CO2. CCS Projects and Hubs. Direct Carbon Removal Companies and Projects. Costs and Economics. Conclusion. Glossary. References and Literature. Websites. Index.


    L.J. Reinders has had an active career as a high-energy physicist, earning a PhD from Utrecht University in 1976 and working at various research centres in Europe and Japan until 1988, when he switched to law and legal translation. He has written a biography of the Soviet low-temperature physicist Lev Vasilevich Shubnikov and two books on the prospects for energy production from nuclear fusion.