1st Edition

Researching English-Medium Higher Education Diverse Applications and Critical Evaluations of the ROAD-MAPPING Framework

Edited By Emma Dafouz, Ute Smit Copyright 2023
    216 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    216 Pages 15 B/W Illustrations
    by Routledge

    Set against the increasing use of English-medium higher education across the world, this book brings together researchers and practitioners who, despite coming from very different geopolitical areas and pursuing distinct research objectives, coincide in their use of the ROAD-MAPPING conceptual framework.

    With the use of this framework and its six interrelated dimensions, the nine studies included in this volume explore key topics for English-Medium Education in Multilingual University Settings (EMEMUS) from diverse perspectives. These range from multi-sited, meta-level approaches critically analysing different countries and their realisations of EMEMUS to using ROAD-MAPPING as a methodological tool to analyse all its dimensions or place the lens on a particular aspect. By doing so, the contributions demonstrate the strength of the ROAD-MAPPING framework for investigating and understanding the complex nature of EMEMUS.

    The volume makes a valuable contribution to the development of EMEMUS research and is thus highly recommended for scholars, policymakers and students interested in one of the most fast-growing (and contested) research areas in applied linguistics today.

    1. The ROAD-MAPPING Framework: Taking Stock and Paving Future Directions for English-Medium Research
    Emma Dafouz & Ute Smit
    2. What ROAD-MAPPING Adds to Our Understanding of English-Medium Educational Policy Research
    Heath Rose & Kari Sahan
    3. The Different Faces of English-Medium Education: The Potential of ROAD-MAPPING in Comparing Sites
    Julia Hüttner & Will Baker
    4. Applying the ROAD-MAPPING Framework in Comparative English-Medium Instruction Research: A Cross-Case Study in China, Japan and the Netherlands
    Lijie Shao & Lorna Carson
    5. A First Step on the Road to EMEMUS: Using ROAD-MAPPING at an Austrian Business University
    Miya Komori-Glatz
    6. Exploring the Internationalization and Glocalization Constructs in EMEMUS Lecturers’ Interviews and Focus Groups
    Pascual Pérez-Paredes & Niall Curry
    7. Using the ROAD-MAPPING Framework to Inform English-Medium Instruction Professional Development in Taiwan
    Keith M. Graham & Zohreh R. Eslami
    8. A Focus on Academic Disciplines in the ROAD-MAPPING Framework: Examining the Impact of English-Medium Education Policy on the Organization of Knowledge
    Sin-Yi Chang
    9. Using ROAD-MAPPING to Gain Insights into Quality Work in English-Medium Master’s Programs
    Miia Konttinen
    10. EME in Japan: ROAD-MAPPING the Promises Made to Students
    Annette Bradford
    11. Contingent Policies, Complex Contexts and ROAD-MAPPING: Ways and Plays Forward
    Taina Saarinen


    Emma Dafouz is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

    Ute Smit is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Vienna, Austria.

    With an ever-expanding outpouring of research into English-medium education, it is easy to get overwhelmed. For nearly a decade, Emma Dafouz and Ute Smit have been adeptly leading scholars in understanding English-medium higher education in a way that does justice to its complexity. In this must-read collection, scholars across the world showcase how the editors’ ROAD-MAPPING framework can be applied to understand, plan and evaluate English-Medium education in a range of different contexts. Whether you are a researcher, a higher education policy maker or an educational manager wishing to know where the field is heading, make this your go-to resource.

    Anna Kristina Hultgren, Open University, UK

    It is now undeniable that EMI (English-medium instruction) or more appropriately, EMEMUS (English-medium Education in Multilingual University Settings), is drastically increasing worldwide, in which the ROAD-MAPPING framework plays an indispensable role in mapping out untrodden ‘roads’ to conduct successful planning, implementations, and assessment of EMEMUS by providing a systematic, yet flexible guide for conducting EME-related research and practices. Dafouz and Smit have convincingly demonstrated the possible utilisation of the framework by this excellent collection of case studies at varying educational levels and in diverse academic disciplines across the globe. A must on the road to successful implementations of EMEMUS.

    Kumiko Murata, Waseda University, Japan

    Emma Dafouz and Ute Smit’s ROAD-MAPPING framework has quickly become a profoundly useful instrument to analyse and compare instances of English-medium education in multilingual university settings due to the scope of the six dimensions. In this volume the contributing authors admirably encapsulate the dynamism in research that the framework has stimulated. Chapters highlight the theoretical and practical flexibility of the framework in different contexts across the world, as well as the methodological depth applications can afford. This book should become a standard for scholars wishing to understand the fuzziness of applications of English-medium education in multilingual university settings.

    Robert Wilkinson, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands