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Reshaping India

About the Series

Marking a radical departure from the ‘graded inequalities’ of the past, India’s Constitution guaranteed equitable access to the prosperity of the nation to all Indians. Building on the 1931 Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy resolution, the 1936 National Planning Committee and the Constituent Assembly debates, India’s Constitution guarantees fullness of life for all. This has also remained the underlying principle of India’s development paradigm. However, there is little structured planning on how the nation’s constitutional promise can be realised. The few interventions that are made are particularist and exclude the vast majority of stakeholders — whether they are academics, activists, professionals, etc. Addressing the lacuna, Samruddha Bharat Foundation’s Routledge Reshaping India series aims to curate high-level monographs and volumes that further India’s constitutional promise by (a) methodically re-thinking current social, political and economic paradigms; (b) proposing disruptive and innovative ideas to address structural problems facing the nation; (c) forging a blueprint for India’s future trajectory, so that it touches new heights by 2047 (when the country turns 100); and (d) creating a unique praxis between theory and practice.


Editorial Advisory Board

Aakash Singh Rathore

Mridula Mukherjee

Pushparaj Deshpande

Syeda Hameed

1 Series Title

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Politics, Ethics and Emotions in ‘New India’

Politics, Ethics and Emotions in ‘New India’

1st Edition


By Ajay Gudavarthy
August 26, 2024

How do emotions mobilise in politics? How do they frame ideologies? Broadly focusing on these questions, this book explains the role emotions play in Indian politics and the part they played in the aftermath of the 2019 general elections. It traces the consolidation of the Right in India and ...

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