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Rethinking Asia and International Relations: Rethinking Asia and International Relations

About the Series

This series provides thoughtful consideration both of the growing prominence of Asian actors on the global stage and the changes in the study and practice of world affairs that they provoke. It offers a comprehensive parallel assessment of the full spectrum of Asian states, organisations, and regions and their impact on the dynamics of global politics. The series encourages conversation on: ¢ What rules, norms, and strategic cultures are likely to dominate international life in the 'Asian Century'; ¢ How will global problems be reframed and addressed by a 'rising Asia'; ¢ Which institutions, actors, and states are likely to provide leadership during such 'shifts to the East'; ¢ Whether there is something distinctly 'Asian' about the emerging patterns of global politics. Such comprehensive engagement not only offers a critical assessment of the actual and prospective roles of Asian actors, but rethinks the concepts, practices, and frameworks of analysis of world politics.

48 Series Titles

Per Page

China, the UN and Human Rights Implications for World Politics

China, the UN and Human Rights: Implications for World Politics

1st Edition

By Christopher B Primiano
June 24, 2019

Addressing the problem of reconciling China’s voting record in the UN on human rights and repressive policy at home, this book argues that domestic factors determine the way the Chinese government acts on wider human rights issues. China has a very active voting record in the United Nations ...

China's New Governing Party Paradigm Political Renewal and the Pursuit of National Rejuvenation

China's New Governing Party Paradigm: Political Renewal and the Pursuit of National Rejuvenation

1st Edition

By Timothy R. Heath
August 14, 2018

For the first time since its founding in 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has adopted a new paradigm for its role in China. Abandoning its former identity as a 'revolutionary party', the CCP now regards itself as a 'governing party' committed to meeting the diverse needs of its people and ...

External Powers and the Gulf Monarchies

External Powers and the Gulf Monarchies

1st Edition

Edited By Jonathan Fulton, Li-Chen Sim
August 08, 2018

The Gulf monarchies have been generally perceived as status quo actors reliant on the USA for their security, but in response to regional events, particularly the Arab Spring of 2011, they are pursuing more activist foreign policies, which has allowed other international powers to play a larger ...

The Decay of Western Civilisation and Resurgence of Russia Between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

The Decay of Western Civilisation and Resurgence of Russia: Between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

1st Edition

By Glenn Diesen
August 08, 2018

What explains the rise of populist movements across the West and their affinity towards Russia? UKIP’s Brexit victory, Trump’s triumph, and the successive elections and referendums in Europe were united by a repudiation of the liberal international order. These new political forces envision the ...

The Evolution of the Asian Developmental State Hong Kong and Singapore

The Evolution of the Asian Developmental State: Hong Kong and Singapore

1st Edition

By Jun Jie Woo
August 08, 2018

Many East Asian states have undergone profound economic transformations over the last two decades. Singapore and Hong Kong especially have adapted to shifting economic and technological conditions by transforming themselves into ‘smart developmental states’. In these cities, the proliferation of ...

China and Great Power Responsibility for Climate Change

China and Great Power Responsibility for Climate Change

1st Edition

By Sanna Kopra
August 14, 2018

As American leadership over climate change declines, China has begun to identify itself as a great power by formulating ambitious climate policies. Based on the premise that great powers have unique responsibilities, this book explores how China’s rise to great power status transforms notions of ...

China's Relations with the Gulf Monarchies

China's Relations with the Gulf Monarchies

1st Edition

By Jonathan Fulton
August 14, 2018

As China’s international political role grows, its relations with states outside of its traditional sphere of interests is evolving. This is certainly the case of the Gulf monarchies of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, which together comprise the Gulf ...

One Korea Visions of Korean unification

One Korea: Visions of Korean unification

1st Edition

Edited By Tae-Hwan Kwak, Seung-Ho Joo
August 14, 2018

On the Korean peninsula, there exist two sovereign states—the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea) and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea)—both of whom hold separate membership at the United Nations. This book discusses the construction of "one Korea" and highlights ...

Power Transition in Asia

Power Transition in Asia

1st Edition

Edited By David Walton, Emilian Kavalski
August 14, 2018

Current preoccupations with the 'rise of Asia' attest to the nascent contestation of the very idea of what the pattern of international politics should look like and how it should be practiced. In this respect, the growing reference to a 'shift to the East' in global politics has become a popular ...

Risk State Japan's Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty

Risk State: Japan's Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty

1st Edition

By Sebastian Maslow, Ra Mason, Paul O'Shea
August 14, 2018

The increase of new complex security challenges and the heightening significance of a diverse array of actors has simultaneously posed a challenge to traditional perspectives on international relations and foreign policy and created an opportunity for new concepts to be applied. Conventional ...

The China-Japan Border Dispute Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective

The China-Japan Border Dispute: Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective

1st Edition

Edited By Tim F. Liao, Kimie Hara, Krista Wiegand
August 14, 2018

Crossing disciplinary boundaries, this volume offers a rare forum for a serious analysis of the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands between China and Japan. To understand the complexity of the dispute and to find peaceful solutions, we must reach beyond the confines of a single ...

Advaita as a Global International Relations Theory

Advaita as a Global International Relations Theory

1st Edition

By Deepshikha Shahi
July 04, 2018

The academic discipline of International Relations strives to attain a ‘global’ spirit to narrow the cognitive gaps between the West and the Rest. On the one hand, there is the hegemonic presence of mainstream universalist Eurocentric IR theories, and on the other the counter-hegemonic presence of ...

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