1st Edition

Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930)

By Ernest Merimee Copyright 1930
    672 Pages
    by Routledge

    668 Pages
    by Routledge

    The present English version, authorized by the publishers and heirs of M. Merimee, is based on the third French Edition. New material of two sorts has been added, however. First, the translator has been allowed to utlize an annotated, interleaved copy of the Precis, 1922, in which the author, and after his death his son Henri, himself a distinguished Hispanist, had set down material for the next revision. This accounts for many inserted names and phrases, and some paragraphs. Second, the translator has rewritten and added with some freedom.

    Introduction - The Origins 1.From the Beginnings to Alfonso X 2. From Alfonso X to Juan II Second Period: The Renaissance 1. Reign of Juan II 2. Reigns of Enrique IV and of Ferdinand and Isabella Third Period: The Golden Age Part I: Beginning of the Golden Age 1. Poetry 2. Prose 3. Drama Part II The Golden Age at its Height 1. Poetry 2. Prose (Except the Novel) 3. The Novel 4. Drama Part III: Decline of the Golden Age: Decadence 1. Poetry and the Drama 2. Prose Fourth Period: Neo-Classcism 1. Decadence; French Influence; Drama 2. Lyric and Other Poetry 3. Prose Fifth Period: Romanticism 1. Beginnings of Romanticism: Poetry 2. Drama 3. Prose Sixth Period: Contemporary Literature 1. Poetry 2. Drama 3. The Novel 4. Other Prose Genres 5. Conclusion General Bibliography Index


    Ernest Merimee