1st Edition

Roman Britain

By C.M. Franzero Copyright 1935

    Roman Britain (1935) is Franzero’s personal but no less well-researched study of the history of Roman Britain, from conquest to withdrawal, and the archaeology that remains to this day – some of it a great deal more impressive than many would suppose.

    1. The Shore where Caesar Landed in Britain  2. Richborough, Claudius’ Great Port  3. Forts of Rome on the Saxon Coast  4. A Farm and a Villa of 1,800 Years Ago  5. From Calleva Atrebatum along the Devil’s Road  6. Taking the Waters at Bath in Roman Times  7. The Roman Amphitheatre that was King Arthur’s Round Table  8. Hadrian’s Wall  9. Eboracum, that was Called the Second Rome  10. Camulodunum and the Vengeance of Queen Boadicea  11. A Life of Leisure in the Capital of Roman Britain  12. Four Kilns that Will Upset the Historians  13. The Incredible Fate That Awaits the Ruins of Verulamium  14. Londinium Civitas Augusta  15. Why Was London not the Capital of Roman Britain?  16. The Marvellous Map of the Roman Roads  17. The Heritage of Rome  18. The Two Empires


    C.M. Franzero