1st Edition

Romanticism & Politics 1789-1832 Volume 2

Edited By Carol Bolton Copyright 2006

    First published in 2006. A collection of five volumes containing, letters, text excerpts and papers illustrating Romanticism and Politics from 1789 to 1832. Volume 2 looks at Radical politics and loyalist responses, as well as Parliamentary reform.

    PART 3 Radical politics and loyalist responses, 31 Extract from Abstract of the History and Proceedings of the Revolution Society in London, London, 1789, pp. 46–51, 32 Civic Sermons to the People, London, 1792, 33 ‘Ode VII. On Liberty’, from Poems, London, 1792, pp. 32–38, 34 Extract from Dialogues on the Rights of Britons, between a Farmer, a Sailor and a Manufacturer, London, 1792, pp. 5–24, 35 Address of the London Corresponding Society to the Other Societies of Great Britain, London, 1793, 36 Village Politics. Addressed to all the Mechanics, Journeymen and Day Labourers in Great Britain, by Will Chip, a Country Carpenter, 3rd edn, London, 1793, 37 ‘The Rights of Swine. An Address to the Poor’, from Pigs’ Meat, or, Lessons for the Swinish Multitude, London, [1794?], pp. 97–102, 38 Extract from A Review of some of the Political Events which have Occurred in Manchester, During the last Five Years: Being a Sequel to the Trial of Thomas Walker, and Others, for a Conspiracy to Overthrow the Constitution and Government of this Country, and to Aid and Assist the French, Being the King’s Enemies, London, 1794, pp. 62–71, 39 ‘Sonnet V: The Source of Slavery’, from Poems Written in Close Confinement in the Tower and Newgate, under a Charge of High Treason, London, 1795, p. 5, 40 Extracts from The Trial of James Montgomery for a Libel on the War, by Reprinting and Republishing a Song Originally Printed and Published long before the War, Sheffield, 1795, pp. 7–17, 24–37, 41 ‘No. 9. Speech of John Horne Tooke, Esq. Upon the Hustings of Covent-garden, on Monday, June 6, 1796’, from The Speeches of John Horne Tooke Esq: on the Hustings in Covent-garden. On being Proposed a Candidate for the City of Westminster, London, [1796?], 42 ‘Letter from a Lady’, The Anti-Jacobin; or, Weekly Examiner, 6 (18 December 1797): 195–199 43 Extract from A Few Words to the Friends of the Poor, Concerning an Address to the Labouring Part of the Community, London, 1803, pp. 5–9, 44 Sir Francis Burdett’s Address to the Prince Regent; As Proposed in the House of Commons, At the Opening of the Session on the 7th of Jan. 1812. To which is Prefixed the Speech upon that Occasion; and to which is Subjoined the Speech of Lord Cochrane, who Seconded the Motion, London, 1812, 45 Extracts from The Rights of Property Vindicated Against the Claims of Universal Suffrage, London, 1818, pp. 4–7, 98–102, 46 The Political House that Jack Built, 10th edn, London, 1819, 47 The Real or Constitutional House that Jack Built, 8th edn, London, 1819, 48 The Peterloo Massacre, Manchester 1819, 1819 GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, 49 Extract from A Letter to Lord Sidmouth, On the Recent Disturbances at Manchester, London, 1819, pp. 3–22, 50 Extract from Ireland; its Evils and their Remedies: being a Refutation of the Errors of the Emigration Committee and Others Touching that Country: to which is Prefixed a Synopsis of an Original Treatise, about to be Published, on the Law of Population Developing the real Principle on which it is Universally Regulated, London, 1828, ...part contents


    Carol Bolton is Lecturer in English at Loughborough University