1st Edition

Romanticism & Politics 1789-1832 Volume 3

Edited By Carol Bolton Copyright 2006

    First published in 2006. A collection of five volumes containing, letters, text excerpts and papers illustrating Romanticism and Politics from 1789 to 1832. Volume 3 covers Political philosophy and Political economy.

    PART 5 Political philosophy, 61 Extract from Principles of Moral and Political Science, Edinburgh, 1792, pp. 457–175, 62 Extract from An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness, 2 vols, London, 1793, Vol. I, pp. 219–225, 63 Thoughts upon the Origin of the British Constitution; and on the Present Affairs of the Nation. By a Friend to the Constitution, and a lover of Peace, Order and Humanity, London, 1793, 64 Extract from Dissertation on First-principles of Government, London, 1795, pp. 18–22, 65 The Political Litany. Diligently Revised. To be Said or Sung, until the Appointed Change come, throughout the Dominion of England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, Newcastle, 1817, 66 ‘What is the People?’, from Political Essays: with Sketches of Public Characters, London, 1819, pp. 307–335, 67 Extract from On the Constitution of the Church and State, 2nd edn, London, 1830, pp. 101–129, PART 6 Political economy, 68 ‘Finance’, The Anti-Jacobin; or, Weekly Examiner,1 (November 1797): 16–19, 69 Extract from An Essay on the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society, London, 1798, pp. 1–17, 70 ‘Letter III, to the Rt. Hon. William Pitt. On the Causes of the Decline of Great Britain. –Marks of National Decline’, Cobbett’s Political Register, 6 (27 October 1804): 609–623, 71 Extracts from An Essay of the Impolicy of a Bounty on the Exportation of Grain, London, 1804, pp. 1–5, 67–70, 72 Extract from A Letter to Samuel Whitbread Esq. M.P. on his Proposed Bill for the Amendment of the Poor Laws, London, 1807, pp. 5–20, 73 Extract from A Reply to the Essay on Population: in a Series of Letters to which are added Extracts from the Essay, with notes by the Rev. T. R. Malthus, London, 1807, pp. 3–16, 74 Extract from Paper against Gold and Glory against Prosperity, or an Account of the Rise, Progress, Extent and Present State of the Funds and of the Paper–Money of Great Britain: and also of the Situation of that Country as to its Debt and other Expenses, its Navigation, Commerce and Manufactures, its Taxes, Population and Paupers, drawn from Authentic Documents, and brought down to the end of the Year 1814, 2 vols, London, 1815, Vol. I, pp. 46–50, 75 Extract from On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, London, 1817, part contents...


    Carol Bolton is Lecturer in English at Loughborough University