1st Edition

Romanticism & Politics 1789-1832 Volume 5

Edited By Carol Bolton Copyright 2006

    First published in 2006. A collection of five volumes containing, letters, text excerpts and papers illustrating Romanticism and Politics from 1789 to 1832. Volume 5 covers Religious Reform, Foreign Policy, Colonial Politics and the Slavery Debate.

    PART 11 Religious Reform: 121. Extract from The Right of Protestant Dissenters to a Compleat Toleration Asserted; Containing a Historical Account of the Test Laws, … with an Answer to the Objection from the Act of Union with Scotland, By a Layman, 2nd edn, London, 1789, pp. 92–99; 122. Extract from Bishop Sherlock’s Arguments against a Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts: wherein most of the Pleas Advanced in a Paper now Circulating, styled the Cause of Protestant Dissenters, &c. are discussed, Oxford, 1790, pp. 1–21, 123. An Address to the Dissidents of England on their Late Defeat, London, 1790, 124. Extract from Thoughts on the Riots at Birmingham. By a Welsh Freeholder, Bath, 1791, pp. 5–9., 125. ‘On Religious Liberty’, from The Patriot: or Political, Moral and Philosophical Repository … By a Society of Gentlemen, London, 1792, pp. 438–442. To the Editors of the Patriot., 126. Extract from Letters on the Subject of the Catholics to my Brother Abraham who lives in the Country. By Peter Plymley, 11th edn, London, 1808, pp. 9–12, 127. Extract from Address of the Protestant Union, for the Defence and Support of the Protestant Religion and the British Constitution, as Established at the Glorious Revolution in 1688, London, 1813, pp. 1–4, 128. Extract from A History of the Protestant ‘Reformation’ in England and Ireland, showing how that Event has Impoverished and Degraded the Main Body of the People in those Countries, in a Series of Letters Addressed to all Sensible and Just Englishmen, London, 1824, pp. 3–6, 129. ‘Address on the King’s Speech’, from Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 2nd series, London, 1829, Vol. XX, pp. 13–22, Part 12 Foreign Policy: 130. Extract from A Narrative of the Expedition to Egypt, under Sir Ralph Abercombie; Containing an Exposition of the Principles and Conduct of Napoleone Buonaparte, London, 1803, pp. 1–20, 131. Extract from The Importance of Malta Considered in 1796 and 1798; also Remarks which Occurred during a Journey from England to India, through Egypt; in the Year 1779, London, 1803, pp. 5–10, 132. Extract from Travels in China: Containing Descriptions, Observations and Comparisons made and collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey Through the Country from Pekin to Canton, London, 1804, pp. 191–207, 133. Extract from An Inquiry into the State of the Nation at the Commencement of the Present Administration, 3rd edn, London, 1806, pp. 205–219, 134. Extract from Correspondence between Mr. Secretary Canning, and the Hon. D. Erskine. As Printed and Laid Before the House of Lords, London, 1810, pp. 12–17, 135. Extract from On the State of Europe in January 1816, London, 1816, pp. 127–133, 136. Extracts from Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-General of India to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China; Exhibiting a View of the Actual State of those Kingdoms, London, 1828, pp. 310–314, 595–59613., PART 13 Colonial Politics: 137. ‘May 4, 1789. Petition of Mr. Hastings’, from Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan. (Several Corrected by Himself.) Edited by a Constitutional Friend, 5 vols, London, 1816, Vol. II, pp. 185–188, 138. ‘Dedication to the King’, from Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773, 5 vols, London, 1790, Vol. I, 139. Extract from The Present State of Hudson’s Bay. Containing a Full Description of that Settlement and Likewise of the Fur Trade, … to which are added, Remarks and Observations … and a Journal of a Journey from Montreal to New York, London, 1790, pp. 95–105, 140. Extract from The Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics and Literature for the Year 1791, London, 1795, pp. 81–91, 141. ‘The Blessed Efforts of the System of Colonization’, from The Tribune, 3 vols, London, 1795–1796, Vol I, pp. 76–77, 142. ‘May 25, 1799. At a General Meeting of the Society Instituted for the Purpose of Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa’, from African Researches: or Proceedings of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa, London, 1802, Vol II. pp. 1–11, 143. Extract from An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, from Its First Settlement in January 1788, to August 1801: with Remarks of the Dispositions, Customs, Manners &c. of the Native Inhabitants of the Country, London, 1804, pp. 6–20, 144. Extract from ‘Transactions of the Missionary Society’, The Annual Review, 3, 2 (1805): 621–623, 145. Extract from A Letter to the Right Honourable The Earl of Buckinghamshire, President of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, on the Subject of an Open Trade to India, London, 1813, pp. 13–20, 146. Extracts from A Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire in Every Quarter of the World, including the East Indies, London, 1815, pp. 87–88, 311–315, 378–380, 390–392, 147. Extract from The History of British India, 3 vols, London, 1817, Vol. III, pp. 634–642, 148. Extract from The Spirit of Despotism. Dedicated to Lord Castlereagh, London, 1821, pp. 8–10, 149. Extract from Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the Years 1824–1825, London, 1826, part contents...


    Carol Bolton is Lecturer in English at Loughborough University