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Routledge Chinese Language Pedagogy

7 Series Titles

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Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era

Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era

1st Edition


By Zhen Li
August 26, 2024

Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era enriches the current research on heritage language (HL) learner identity by examining how identity is constructed, negotiated, and performed in the narratives of university Chinese HL (CHL) learners in Hong Kong. This monograph has ...

Assessing Learners’ Competence in L2 Chinese 二语汉语能力测试

Assessing Learners’ Competence in L2 Chinese 二语汉语能力测试

1st Edition

By Yang Lu
December 30, 2022

Assessing Learners’ Competence in L2 Chinese is the first book intended to answer the question on whether existing standardised and classroom-based assessments can reflect learners’ competence in L2 Chinese. The Chinese language has enjoyed increasing global popularity amongst second/foreign ...

Interculturality in Learning Mandarin Chinese in British Universities

Interculturality in Learning Mandarin Chinese in British Universities

1st Edition

By Tinghe Jin
August 01, 2022

As China and Chinese language learning moves centre stage economically and politically, questions of interculturality assume even greater significance. In this book interculturality draws attention to the processes involved in people engaging and exchanging with each other across languages, ...

Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language

Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language

1st Edition

By Amber Navarre
October 04, 2018

Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language provides new and experienced teachers of Chinese with a timely review and evaluation of the use of technology in the language classroom. The book draws from second language acquisition theories and empirical studies to ...

Manual for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language

Manual for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language

1st Edition

By Bo Hu
May 04, 2018

Written in an extended dictionary format, the Manual for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language aims to cover all key terms related to teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Each section contains an introduction with language-specific information, and identifies students and ...

Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education Theoretical and Practical Issues

Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education: Theoretical and Practical Issues

1st Edition

Edited By Yang Lu
March 09, 2017

Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education deals with the current issues and challenges faced by teachers and learners of Chinese. Written by leading professionals and academics, the book is the first collection of research articles based on data collected in higher education institutions ...

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers

1st Edition

By Hong Gang Jin, Lian Xue, Yusheng Yang, Lan Zhao Zhou
February 19, 2016

The Routledge Advanced Language Training Course for K-16 Non-native Chinese Teachers  is a content-based and thematically organized textbook designed for non-native in- and pre-service K-16 Chinese language teachers. Based on five years of field testing, the book offers an innovative ...

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