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Routledge Contemporary Korea Series

About the Series

Series editor: Lam Peng Er, Principal Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, and Head, Korea Centre, National University of Singapore

Editorial Board:

Park Hahnkyu, Kyung Hee University, South Korea

Justin Hastings, University of Sydney, Australia

John Nilsson-Wright, Cambridge University, UK

The aim of this series is to publish solid and interesting social science research-level work on contemporary Korea, including work on international relations, political science, sociology, economics, gender studies and "current" history. Although South Korea has emerged as an upper middle power with the world’s tenth largest economy, making significant "soft power" contributions to global culture, and although the Korean peninsula is a potential hotspot in East Asia given the relentless nuclearization of North Korea and the fact that the peninsula is a key fulcrum of great power politics in East Asia where the US, China, Russia and Japan converge, there is much less written about Korea than about China and Japan, and about other important middle powers with large economies elsewhere in the world. Work in the series will include studies of what has made South Korea a comprehensive middle power, how it has risen to this status, the system of governance which made this possible, issues of war and peace in the Korean peninsula, and Korea’s impact on East Asia and the world.

2 Series Titles

Per Page

Engaging North Korea

Engaging North Korea

1st Edition


Edited By Lam Peng Er
September 16, 2024

This book presents a comprehensive overview of international attempts to engage North Korea diplomatically with the aim of avoiding a nuclear war. It highlights the difficulty of this task, concluding that the containment of North Korea currently depends more on military deterrence than on ...

South Korea’s New Southern Policy A Middle Power’s International Relations with Southeast Asia and India

South Korea’s New Southern Policy: A Middle Power’s International Relations with Southeast Asia and India

1st Edition

Edited By Lam Peng Er
April 17, 2023

This book examines the first regional strategy of South Korea toward Southeast Asia and India. At issue is how a middle power (a G20 country with the tenth largest economy in the world) seeks to play a larger and more comprehensive role in regions beyond the Korean peninsula. Hitherto, South Korean...

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