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Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series

About the Series

The aim of this series is to publish original, high-quality work by both new and established scholars on all aspects of Russian and East European Studies.

114 Series Titles

Per Page

The Challenges for Russia's Politicized Economic System

The Challenges for Russia's Politicized Economic System

1st Edition

Edited By Susanne Oxenstierna
October 12, 2017

During the early 2000s the market liberalization reforms to the Russian economy, begun in the 1990s, were consolidated. But since the mid 2000s economic policy has moved into a new phase, characterized by more state intervention with less efficiency and more structural problems. Corruption, weak ...

The Return of the Cold War Ukraine, The West and Russia

The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, The West and Russia

1st Edition

Edited By J. L. Black, Michael Johns
October 12, 2017

This book examines the crisis in Ukraine, tracing its development and analysing the factors which lie behind it. It discusses above all how the two sides have engaged in political posturing, accusations, escalating sanctions and further escalating threats, arguing that the ease with which both ...

The Russian Presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, 2008-2012 The Next Step Forward or Merely a Time Out?

The Russian Presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, 2008-2012: The Next Step Forward or Merely a Time Out?

1st Edition

By J. L. Black
October 12, 2017

The term "tandem" was used to describe the Putin-Medvedev combination which ruled Russia from 2008 to 2012, when Medvedev was president and Putin prime minister. Many people saw Putin as the real wielder of power, with Medvedev as his puppet. Others, however, saw Medvedev as a visionary, someone ...

The Transition to National Armies in the Former Soviet Republics, 1988-2005

The Transition to National Armies in the Former Soviet Republics, 1988-2005

1st Edition

By Jesse Paul Lehrke
June 16, 2017

This book looks at the militaries of the late-Soviet and post-Soviet republics. Beginning with the end of the Soviet era, it recognises that the successor states did not spring from nowhere, but inherited a legacy that influenced all that followed. The book discusses how politicians control the ...

The Changing Russian University From State to Market

The Changing Russian University: From State to Market

1st Edition

By Tatiana Maximova-Mentzoni
May 31, 2017

When the Soviet Union collapsed universities were freed from state control and left to themselves. This forced universities to be much more market-oriented. This book explores this transformation from the end of the Soviet Union until the present. Based on extensive original research, the book ...

Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century

Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century

1st Edition

Edited By Lucian N. Leustean
May 10, 2017

This book provides an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of Eastern Christian churches in Europe, the Middle East, America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Written by leading international scholars in the field, it examines both Orthodox and Oriental churches from the end of the Cold War up to the ...

Punk in Russia Cultural mutation from the “useless” to the “moronic”

Punk in Russia: Cultural mutation from the “useless” to the “moronic”

1st Edition

By Ivan Gololobov, Hilary Pilkington, Yngvar B Steinholt
December 08, 2016

Punk culture is currently having a revival worldwide and is poised to extend and mutate even more as youth unemployment and youth alienation increase in many countries of the world. In Russia, its power to have an impact and to shock is well illustrated by the state response to activist collective ...

Digital Russia The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication

Digital Russia: The Language, Culture and Politics of New Media Communication

1st Edition

Edited By Michael Gorham, Ingunn Lunde, Martin Paulsen
August 26, 2016

Digital Russia provides a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which new media technologies have shaped language and communication in contemporary Russia. It traces the development of the Russian-language internet, explores the evolution of web-based communication practices, showing how they have ...

The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012 The First Georgian Republic and its Successors

The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012: The First Georgian Republic and its Successors

1st Edition

Edited By Stephen F. Jones
August 26, 2016

When most of Eastern Europe was struggling with dictatorships of one kind or another, the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921) established a constitution, a parliamentary system with national elections, an active opposition, and a free press. Like the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918, ...

EU-Russian Border Security Challenges, (Mis)Perceptions and Responses

EU-Russian Border Security: Challenges, (Mis)Perceptions and Responses

1st Edition

By Serghei Golunov
July 27, 2016

The land border between Russia and the European Union is one of the longest land borders in the world, with very considerable trade flowing across the border in both directions. This book examines the nature of the EU-Russia border, and the issues connected with its management. It describes the ...

Russia and East Asia Informal and Gradual Integration

Russia and East Asia: Informal and Gradual Integration

1st Edition

Edited By Tsuneo Akaha, Anna Vassilieva
July 27, 2016

Russia has generally been neglected in the academic and policy discourse on regional integration in East Asia. This book fills this gap, with particular attention to the role of Pacific Russia in the deepening regional integration in East Asia. It examines the increasingly diverse foreign policy ...

Russian Energy and Security up to 2030

Russian Energy and Security up to 2030

1st Edition

Edited By Susanne Oxenstierna, Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen
July 27, 2016

The challenges in Russia’s energy sector are changing. On the demand side, Europe is seeking to limit its dependence on Russian oil and gas, with the result that China and other Asian countries are likely to eventually become growing export markets for Russian energy. On the supply side, oil ...

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