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Routledge Focus on the Middle East

2 Series Titles

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The Peace Process between Turkey and the Kurds Anatomy of a Failure

The Peace Process between Turkey and the Kurds: Anatomy of a Failure

1st Edition

By Burak Bilgehan Özpek
November 21, 2017

In January 2013, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government initiated a peace process in order to settle the Kurdish question through peaceful means. However, this sanguine atmosphere gradually disappeared, before finally collapsing after the general elections of 7 June 2015. This book ...

Presidentialism in Turkey Instability and Change

Presidentialism in Turkey: Instability and Change

1st Edition

By Serap Gur
December 08, 2016

Parliamentarism has been a presiding characteristic of the Turkish political tradition since the 1876 Ottoman constitution. In 1923, with the founding of the Turkish Republic, modern parliamentarism was implemented in Turkey. Since that time, Turkish politics has been turbulent, with four military ...

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