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Routledge Jewish Studies Series

About the Series

Studies, which are interpreted to cover the disciplines of history, sociology, anthropology, culture, politics, philosophy, theology, religion, as they relate to Jewish affairs. The remit includes texts which have as their primary focus issues, ideas, personalities and events of relevance to Jews, Jewish life and the concepts which have characterised Jewish culture both in the past and today. The series is interested in receiving appropriate scripts or proposals.

92 Series Titles

Per Page

Birth-Throes of the Israeli Homeland The Concept of Moledet

Birth-Throes of the Israeli Homeland: The Concept of Moledet

1st Edition

By David Ohana
December 19, 2022

The book brings forth various perspectives on the Israeli "homeland" (moledet) from various known Israeli intellectuals such as Boaz Evron, Menachem Brinker, Jacqueline Kahanoff and more. Binding together various academic fields to deal with the question of the essence of the Israeli homeland: from...

The Holocaust in Thessaloniki Reactions to the Anti-Jewish Persecution, 1942–1943

The Holocaust in Thessaloniki: Reactions to the Anti-Jewish Persecution, 1942–1943

1st Edition

By Leon Saltiel
April 28, 2020

The book narrates the last days of the once prominent Jewish community of Thessaloniki, the overwhelming majority of which was transported to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz in 1943. Focusing on the Holocaust of the Jews of Thessaloniki, this book maps the reactions of the authorities, the ...

Contemporary Jewish Philosophy An Introduction

Contemporary Jewish Philosophy: An Introduction

1st Edition

By Irene Kajon
August 11, 2010

This text introduces the most important Jewish philosophers of contemporary times from the point of view of their original approach to both Judaism and philosophy and include: Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenweig, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, Emmanuel Levinas. It shows how for them the dialogue between ...

The Divine in Modern Hebrew Literature

The Divine in Modern Hebrew Literature

1st Edition

By Neta Stahl
March 11, 2020

Demonstrating the pervasive presence of God in modern Hebrew literature, this book explores the qualities that twentieth-century Hebrew writers attributed to the divine, and examines their functions against the simplistic dichotomy between religious and secular literature. The volume follows both ...

Deconstructing the Talmud The Absolute Book

Deconstructing the Talmud: The Absolute Book

1st Edition

By Federico Dal Bo
July 23, 2019

This monograph uses deconstruction—a philosophical movement originated by Jacques Derrida—to read the most authoritative book in Judaism: the Talmud. Examining deconstruction in comparison with Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies, the volume argues that the movement opens an innovative debate on Jewish...

On Liberty Jewish Philosophical Perspectives

On Liberty: Jewish Philosophical Perspectives

1st Edition

By Daniel Frank
March 05, 2019

The communitarian critic of liberalism argues that the socio-political context is fundamental to any understanding of the individual as such. This debate is advanced by particularising it to the experience of Jews in the modern world. Essays focus on the variety of views of the relationships ...

Charity in Rabbinic Judaism Atonement, Rewards, and Righteousness

Charity in Rabbinic Judaism: Atonement, Rewards, and Righteousness

1st Edition

By Alyssa M. Gray
June 03, 2019

Studying the many ideas about how giving charity atones for sin and other rewards in late antique rabbinic literature, this volume contains many, varied, and even conflicting ideas, as the multiplicity must be recognized and allowed expression. Topics include the significance of the rabbis’ use of...

The Making of Modern Jewish Identity Ideological Change and Religious Conversion

The Making of Modern Jewish Identity: Ideological Change and Religious Conversion

1st Edition

By Motti Inbari
June 03, 2019

This volume explores the processes that led several modern Jewish leaders – rabbis, politicians, and intellectuals – to make radical changes to their ideology regarding Zionism, Socialism, and Orthodoxy. Comparing their ideological change to acts of conversion, the study examines the philosophical,...

Religious Zionism and the Six Day War From Realism to Messianism

Religious Zionism and the Six Day War: From Realism to Messianism

1st Edition

By Avi Sagi, Dov Schwartz
December 03, 2018

This book offers a new insight into the political, social, and religious conduct of religious-Zionism, whose consequences are evident in Israeli society today. Before the Six-Day War, religious-Zionism had limited its concern to the protection of specific religious interests, with its ...

Jews of Turkey Migration, Culture and Memory

Jews of Turkey: Migration, Culture and Memory

1st Edition

By Süleyman Şanlı
December 04, 2018

Jews of Turkey: Migration, Culture and Memory explores the culture of Jews who immigrated from East Turkey to Israel. The study reveals the cultural values of their communities, way of life, beliefs and traditions in the multicultural and multi-religious environment that was the East of Turkey. ...

The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn Aesthetics, Religion & Morality in the Eighteenth Century

The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn: Aesthetics, Religion & Morality in the Eighteenth Century

1st Edition

By Leah Hochman
October 18, 2018

The Ugliness of Moses Mendelssohn examines the idea of ugliness through four angles: philosophical aesthetics, early anthropology, physiognomy and portraiture in the eighteenth-century. Highlighting a theory that describes the benefit of encountering ugly objects in art and nature, ...

Nietzsche and Jewish Political Theology

Nietzsche and Jewish Political Theology

1st Edition

By David Ohana
October 12, 2018

Nietzsche and Jewish Political Theology is the first book to explore the impact of Friedrich Nietzsche’s work on the formation of Jewish political theology during the first half of the twentieth century. It maps the many ways in which early Jewish thinkers grappled with Nietzsche’s powerful ideas ...

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