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Routledge Library Editions: International Trade Policy

33 Series Titles

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A Model for the Study of International Trade Politics The United States Business Community and Soviet-American Relations 1975-1976

A Model for the Study of International Trade Politics: The United States Business Community and Soviet-American Relations 1975-1976

1st Edition

By William F. Kolarik, Jr.
May 10, 2019

Together with efforts to control the arms race, commercial issues were a central feature of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1970s. There was a clear recognition that trade and economic issues were of key importance to political relations. This book, first published ...

A National Policy for Organized Free Trade The Case of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy for Steel, 1976-1978

A National Policy for Organized Free Trade: The Case of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy for Steel, 1976-1978

1st Edition

By Michael W. Hodin
May 10, 2019

Since the completion of the original writing in 1978, and the publication of this Garland edition in 1987, several important events came to pass which underscored the importance and relevance of the study of the US foreign trade policy toward steel in the late seventies. One can read the story of ...

American Business and Foreign Policy Cases in Coffee and Cocoa Trade Regulation 1961-1974

American Business and Foreign Policy: Cases in Coffee and Cocoa Trade Regulation 1961-1974

1st Edition

By Joseph Short
May 10, 2019

Developing countries have for many decades waged a campaign for the global regulation of trade in primary products through international commodity agreements. Heavily dependent upon exports of primary products, developing countries hope to regulate the markets for their commodities to achieve ...

British Economic Foreign Policy

British Economic Foreign Policy

1st Edition

By J. Henry Richardson
May 10, 2019

The financial crisis of 1931 marked a turning point in British economic foreign policy, as decades of laissez-faire principles were abandoned and an active interventionist policy was introduced. This book, first published in 1936, provides an in-depth analysis of the change in Britain’s policies, ...

Constraints and Compromises Trade Policy in a Democracy: The Case of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area

Constraints and Compromises: Trade Policy in a Democracy: The Case of the U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area

1st Edition

By Orit Frenkel
May 10, 2019

The negotiation of the Free Trade Area between the US and Israel was, at the time, a remarkable political accomplishment, and is a useful case study because it includes all of the industrial and agricultural sectors, thus spanning the full spectrum of issues that would be dealt with in negotiations...

Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making

Economic Summits and Western Decision-Making

1st Edition

Edited By Cesare Merlini
May 10, 2019

Since 1975 the leaders of the major western economies have gathered in annual summit meetings to try to agree a unified response to the main political and economic problems facing them. This book, first published in 1984, traces the development of the summit meetings and tries to assess their ...

Export Dependence versus the New Protectionism Constraints on Trade Policy in the Industrial World

Export Dependence versus the New Protectionism: Constraints on Trade Policy in the Industrial World

1st Edition

By Glenn Randall Fong
May 10, 2019

In an international political economy characterised both by constancy and change, this study, first published in 1996, links together one seemingly incongruous continuity in international trade relations with an increasingly dramatic development in the economies of industrial countries. On the one ...

Global Corporate Strategy and Trade Policy

Global Corporate Strategy and Trade Policy

1st Edition

By Alan Rugman, Alain Verbeke
May 10, 2019

At the end of the twentieth century, international business functioned in an environment dominated by the triad of economic power formed by the USA, Japan and the European Community. Multinational corporate strategies had to be formulated within the context of intense global competition between ...

History of Protective Tariff Laws

History of Protective Tariff Laws

1st Edition

By R.W. Thompson
May 10, 2019

This book, first published in 1888 and reprinted in 1974, offers a history of US protective tariffs and their consequences for that country’s international trade, particularly with Great Britain. Its aim was to present to the reader the arguments for and against the opposing principles of ...

International Trade Policy

International Trade Policy

1st Edition

By F.V. Meyer
May 10, 2019

The main contention of this book, first published in 1978, is that international trade policy must fit the economic structure of the trading countries. The first two chapters, which compare the nineteenth and twentieth century movements towards freer trade, and show the nature of the export ...

National Industrial Strategies and the World Economy

National Industrial Strategies and the World Economy

1st Edition

Edited By John Pinder
May 10, 2019

With the economic crisis continuing into the 1980s, the necessity to adapt industrial structures to contemporary requirements became clear. This book, first published in 1982, is a volume unique in its coverage of the major countries, industries, and international relationships that together ...

National Laws and International Commerce The Problem of Extraterritoriality

National Laws and International Commerce: The Problem of Extraterritoriality

1st Edition

By Douglas E. Rosenthal, William M. Knighton
May 10, 2019

This Chatham House Paper, first published in 1982, examines the problem of extraterritoriality. A wide range of economic activity is subject to the laws of more than one state, yet there is little provision for resolving situations where states impose contradictory requirements. This paper is ...

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