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Routledge Library Editions: Nuclear Security

About the Series

This 31-volume set contains titles, originally published between 1956 and 1993. The first 15 books came out of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute a think tank established in 1966 to commemorate Sweden’s 150 years of unbroken peace and one of the most respected worldwide. The majority of titles are from the 1980s, the period of the cold war where tensions had begun to rise again, and the threat of nuclear war gripped the world. International in scope the volumes look at the arms race, deterrence, nuclear proliferation, global policy and strategy and various other issues within the area of nuclear security.

32 Series Titles

Per Page

Agreements for Arms Control A Critical Survey

Agreements for Arms Control: A Critical Survey

1st Edition

By Jozef Goldblat, Sipri
September 04, 2022

Originally published in 1982, this is the most comprehensive handbook on arms control ever published. It contains an analysis of the bilateral and multilateral agreements reached since World War II. An assessment is made of the extent to which each agreement has affected the arms race, reduced the ...

Arms Control Management or Reform?

Arms Control: Management or Reform?

1st Edition

By Lawrence Freedman
September 04, 2022

Originally published in 1986, although the pace of arms control negotiations has been stepped up, there is still little sign of agreement. In this paper the author examines the current negotiating effort, with particular emphasis on its implications for European security. He provides an up-to-date ...

Arms in the '80s New Developments in the Global Arms Race

Arms in the '80s: New Developments in the Global Arms Race

1st Edition

By John Turner, Sipri
September 04, 2022

In the 1980s the world spent an enormous amount on preparations for war. Year by year, more and more resources went into the military sector. More and more complex weapon systems were devised. At the time, of all research scientists and engineers in the world, more than one in four was working for ...

Australia and Nuclear War

Australia and Nuclear War

1st Edition

Edited By Michael Denborough
September 04, 2022

‘I pray that words spoken at this conference may carry beyond walls and reach thousands of ears hitherto deaf to warnings of the final catastrophe.’ So said Patrick White in June 1983 at an important symposium organised by the Australian National University to examine the whole issue of nuclear war...

Countdown to Space War

Countdown to Space War

1st Edition

By Bhupendra Jasani, Christopher Lee, Sipri
September 04, 2022

Only two years after Sputnik, weapons were created for attacking spacecraft. These were based on land. But now there is talk of weapons in space-instant-kill beams like lasers. President Reagan has offered a vision of new inventions that could stop nuclear missile attacks. But will they work? Can ...

Dangers of Deterrence Philosophers on Nuclear Strategy

Dangers of Deterrence: Philosophers on Nuclear Strategy

1st Edition

Edited By Nigel Blake, Kay Pole
September 04, 2022

Europe has everything to lose from nuclear war, and nothing to gain from it. Yet it is nuclear deterrence that we are relying on to shield us from war. More and more people are coming to believe that security under a nuclear shield is an illusion, and that nuclear deterrence embodies a dangerous ...

Deterrence in the 1980s Crisis and Dilemma

Deterrence in the 1980s: Crisis and Dilemma

1st Edition

Edited By R. B. Byers
September 04, 2022

Originally published in 1985, Deterrence in the 1980s offers analyses by leading American and Canadian scholars and decision-makers in the field of strategic studies of the current problems and dilemmas of contemporary international security with deterrence, nuclear and conventional, as the ...

Ethics and Nuclear Deterrence

Ethics and Nuclear Deterrence

1st Edition

Edited By Geoffrey Goodwin
September 04, 2022

As nuclear weapons become ever more sophisticated, so the deterrence debate becomes increasingly complex. The ‘Ban the Bomb’ slogans of the 1950s had been replaced by cries for ‘nuclear-free zones’, and talk of ‘megatonnage’ and ‘fallout’ had given way to talk of ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons and ‘...

International Atomic Policy During a Decade An Historical-Political Investigation into the Problem of Atomic Weapons During the Period 1945-1955

International Atomic Policy During a Decade: An Historical-Political Investigation into the Problem of Atomic Weapons During the Period 1945-1955

1st Edition

By Elis Biörklund
September 04, 2022

Originally published in 1956, atomic policy overshadowed political considerations in the same way that ‘the balance of power’ had mesmerized European politicians for so long. Admiral Biorklund here makes a general survey of the whole problem. He traces the development of the atom and hydrogen bombs...

Internationalization to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons

Internationalization to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear Weapons

1st Edition

By Sipri
September 04, 2022

First published in 1980, the original blurb read: In August – September 1980 the second Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will take place in Geneva. As this Treaty is the most important barrier to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the results of the Conference will ...



1st Edition

By Sipri, Frank Blackaby, Jozef Goldblat, Lodgaard Sverre
September 04, 2022

The debate on no-first-use of nuclear weapons has been conducted on a number of fronts. First use of nuclear weapons has come under challenge from many different directions: from church synods, from international lawyers, in debates at the United Nations, and from strategic thinkers. Originally ...

Non-Proliferation The Why and the Wherefore

Non-Proliferation: The Why and the Wherefore

1st Edition

By Sipri, Jozef Goldblat
September 04, 2022

Is the appearance of new nuclear weapon states inevitable? Who are the sponsors and apologists of nuclear weapons, and why are others in favour of renouncing them? What are the implications for international security of the increasingly wide use of nuclear energy? How can nuclear threats be defused...

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