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Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies

114 Series Titles

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Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World

Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World

1st Edition

Edited By Emilio Zucchetti, Anna Maria Cimino
January 29, 2024

Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World explores the relationship between the work of the Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci and the study of classical antiquity. The collection of essays engages with Greek and Roman history, literature, society, and culture, offering a range of perspectives ...

Dionysus and Politics Constructing Authority in the Graeco-Roman World

Dionysus and Politics: Constructing Authority in the Graeco-Roman World

1st Edition

Edited By Filip Doroszewski, Dariusz Karłowicz
January 29, 2024

This volume presents an essential but underestimated role that Dionysus played in Greek and Roman political thought. Written by an interdisciplinary team of scholars, the volume covers the period from archaic Greece to the late Roman Empire. The reader can observe how ideas and political themes ...

Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory

Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory

1st Edition

Edited By Martine De Marre, Rajiv Bhola
January 29, 2024

Making and Unmaking Ancient Memory explores the way in which ancient Greeks and Romans represented their past, and in turn how modern literature and scholarship has approached the reception and transmission of some aspects of ancient culture. The contributions, organised into three sections – ...

Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity

1st Edition

Edited By Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet
January 29, 2024

Beyond the institution of marriage, its norms, and rules, what was life like for married couples in Greco-Roman antiquity? This volume explores a wide range of sources over seven centuries to uncover possible answers to this question. On tombstones, curse or oracular tablets, in contracts, ...

Roman Masculinity and Politics from Republic to Empire

Roman Masculinity and Politics from Republic to Empire

1st Edition

By Charles Goldberg
January 29, 2024

This volume explores the role that republican political participation played in forging elite Roman masculinity. It situates familiarly "manly" traits like militarism, aggressive sexuality, and the pursuit of power within a political system based on power sharing and cooperation. In deliberations ...

New Essays on Aristotle’s Organon

New Essays on Aristotle’s Organon

1st Edition

Edited By António Pedro Mesquita, Ricardo Santos
December 22, 2023

This collection of new essays by an international group of scholars closely examines the works of Aristotle’s Organon. The Organon is the general title given to the collection of Aristotle’s logical works: Categories, De Interpretatione, Prior Analytics, Posterior Analytics, Topics, and Sophistical...

The Geographical Guide of Ptolemy of Alexandria An Analysis

The Geographical Guide of Ptolemy of Alexandria: An Analysis

1st Edition

By Duane W. Roller
December 15, 2023

This volume offers a detailed study of Ptolemy of Alexandria’s Geographical Guide, whose eight books contain a wealth of geographical information unavailable elsewhere and represent the culmination of the Greco-Roman discipline of geography. Written near the middle of the second century ad, the ...

Nostalgias for Homer in Greek Literature of the Roman Empire

Nostalgias for Homer in Greek Literature of the Roman Empire

1st Edition

By Vincent Tomasso
December 05, 2023

This volume investigates how versions of Trojan War narratives written in Greek in the first through fifth centuries C.E. created nostalgias for audiences. In ancient education, the Iliad and the Odyssey were used as models through which students learned Greek language and literature. This, ...

Making Time for Greek and Roman Literature

Making Time for Greek and Roman Literature

1st Edition

Edited By Kate Gilhuly, Jeffrey P. Ulrich
December 01, 2023

The essays in this collection explore various various models of representing temporality in ancient Greek and Roman literature to elucidate how structures of time communicate meaning, as well as the way that the cultural impact of measured time is reflected in ancient texts. This collection serves ...

Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen

Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East: Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen

1st Edition

Edited By Nathan Leach, Daniel Charles Smith, Tony Keddie
November 30, 2023

This collection of essays from a diverse group of internationally recognized scholars builds on the work of Steven J. Friesen to analyze the material and ideological dimensions of John’s Apocalypse and the religious landscape of the Roman East. Readers will gain new perspectives on the ...

The Greeks in Iberia and their Mediterranean Context

The Greeks in Iberia and their Mediterranean Context

1st Edition

Edited By Jens A. Krasilnikoff, Benedict Lowe
November 29, 2023

This volume explores the effects of Greek presence in the Iberian Peninsula, and how this Iberian Greek experience evolved in resonance with its neighbouring region, the Mediterranean West. Contributions cover the Phocaean settlement at Emporion and its relationship with the indigenous hinterland, ...

Ancient History from Below Subaltern Experiences and Actions in Context

Ancient History from Below: Subaltern Experiences and Actions in Context

1st Edition

Edited By Cyril Courrier, Julio Cesar Magalhães de Oliveira
September 25, 2023

If ancient history is particularly susceptible to a top-down approach, due to the nature of our evidence and its traditional exploitation by modern scholars, another ancient history—‘from below’—is actually possible. This volume examines the possibilities and challenges involved in writing it. ...

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