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Routledge Pocket Books

About the Series

Concise, time-saving guides on a range of professional topics.

14 Series Titles

Per Page

Architect's Pocket Book of Kitchen Design

Architect's Pocket Book of Kitchen Design

1st Edition

By Charlotte Baden-Powell
August 30, 2005

As with the best-selling 'Architects Pocket Book' this title includes everyday information which the architect/designer normally has to find from a wide variety of sources and which is not always easily to hand.Focusing on kitchen design, this book is of use to the student as well as the ...

Illustrated Building Pocket Book

Illustrated Building Pocket Book

2nd Edition

By Roxanna McDonald
December 12, 2006

Building and architecture has developed a language of its own, with terms and jargon that can confuse an expert let alone an outsider. Misunderstandings over what a word means can be irritating but unimportant, but could in the worst cases be costly or even dangerous.Traditional building ...

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