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Routledge Research in Asylum, Migration and Refugee Law

12 Series Titles

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Reconceptualising Unaccompanied Child Asylum Seekers and the Law

Reconceptualising Unaccompanied Child Asylum Seekers and the Law

1st Edition


By Jennifer L. Whelan
August 26, 2024

Unaccompanied child asylum seekers are amongst the world’s most vulnerable populations, and their numbers are increasing. The intersection of their age, their seeking asylum, and separation from their parents creates a specific and acute triple burden of vulnerability. Their precariousness has long...

Family Reunification in Europe Exposing Inequalities

Family Reunification in Europe: Exposing Inequalities

1st Edition


Edited By Ellen Desmet, Milena Belloni, Dirk Vanheule, Jinske Verhellen, Ayse Güdük
August 12, 2024

This book provides a multi-disciplinary investigation of family reunification laws, policies and practices across the European Union. Family reunification – the possibility for family members to (re)unite in a country where one of them is residing – has been high on the political agenda. Building ...

Migration Law, Policy and Human Rights The Impact of Crisis in Europe

Migration Law, Policy and Human Rights: The Impact of Crisis in Europe

1st Edition

By Rachael Dickson
January 29, 2024

Migration is one of the greatest societal challenges of our time. It has many facets, from mass movements to escape war, climate, or human rights abuses to the search for economic opportunity and prosperity. Illicit industries facilitate border crossings at the expense of safety, and governments ...

Serious International Crimes, Human Rights, and Forced Migration

Serious International Crimes, Human Rights, and Forced Migration

1st Edition

Edited By James C. Simeon
September 25, 2023

This volume elucidates and explores the interrelationships and direct causal connection between serious international crimes, serious breaches to fundamental human rights, and gross affronts to human dignity that lead to mass forced migration. Forced migration most often occurs in the context of ...

Children, Human Rights and Temporary Labour Migration Protecting the Child-Parent Relationship

Children, Human Rights and Temporary Labour Migration: Protecting the Child-Parent Relationship

1st Edition

By Rasika Jayasuriya
January 09, 2023

This book focuses on the neglected yet critical issue of how the global migration of millions of parents as low-waged migrant workers impacts the rights of their children under international human rights law. The work provides a systematic analysis and critique of how the restrictive features of ...

Unaccompanied Children in European Migration and Asylum Practices In Whose Best Interests?

Unaccompanied Children in European Migration and Asylum Practices: In Whose Best Interests?

1st Edition

Edited By Mateja Sedmak, Birgit Sauer, Barbara Gornik
March 28, 2019

Unaccompanied minor migrants are underage migrants, who for various reasons leave their country and are separated from their parents or legal/customary guardians. Some of them live entirely by themselves, while others join their relatives or other adults in a foreign country. The concept of the ...

Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa The Peregrination of a Persecuted Human Being in Search of a Safe Haven

Asylum-Seeker and Refugee Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Peregrination of a Persecuted Human Being in Search of a Safe Haven

1st Edition

By Cristiano d’Orsi
May 25, 2017

It is not often acknowledged that the great majority of African refugee movement happens within Africa rather than from Africa to the West. This book examines the specific characteristics and challenges of the refugee situation in Sub-Saharan Africa, offering a new and critical vision on the ...

Migrant Rights at Work Law's precariousness at the intersection of immigration and labour

Migrant Rights at Work: Law's precariousness at the intersection of immigration and labour

1st Edition

By Laurie Berg
February 07, 2017

Public debates about the terms of membership and inclusion have intensified as developed economies increasingly rely on temporary migrant labour. While most agree that temporary migrant workers are entitled to the general protection of employment laws, temporary migrants have, by definition, ...

Asylum Law in the European Union

Asylum Law in the European Union

1st Edition

By Francesco Cherubini
November 08, 2016

This book examines the rules governing the right to asylum in the European Union. Drawing on the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and the 1967 Protocol, Francesco Cherubini asks how asylum obligations under international refugee law have been incorporated into the ...

European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child

European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child

1st Edition

By Ciara Smyth
June 08, 2016

The child asylum seeker poses unique challenges for reception and refugee status determination systems, not least because the child is entitled to have his or her rights as a child respected as a matter of international and regional human rights law. In the last decade the European Union has ...

Refugee Protection and the Role of Law Conflicting Identities

Refugee Protection and the Role of Law: Conflicting Identities

1st Edition

Edited By Susan Kneebone, Dallal Stevens, Loretta Baldassar
May 31, 2016

Sixty years on from the signing of the Refugee Convention, forced migration and refugee movements continue to raise global concerns for hosting states and regions, for countries of origin, for humanitarian organisations on the ground, and, of course, for the refugee. This edited volume is framed ...

Gender in Refugee Law From the Margins to the Centre

Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre

1st Edition

Edited By Efrat Arbel, Catherine Dauvergne, Jenni Millbank
February 29, 2016

Questions of gender have strongly influenced the development of international refugee law over the last few decades. This volume assesses the progress toward appropriate recognition of gender-related persecution in refugee law. It documents the advances made following intense advocacy around the ...

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