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Routledge Research in Disability History

About the Series

Routledge Research in Disability History encourages and welcomes original research in disability history from new and established scholars. The series is global and comparative in outlook. Embracing a diversity of geographies and time periods, it aims to show that the concept of disability and lived experience of disability and impairment vary according to historical time and place and that stigmatisation of disability is itself historically contingent. The series seeks to globalise the history of disability, bringing new insights to existing scholarship through original research into non-western disability histories. It focuses particularly on disability as an ordinary part of human history, bringing a disability perspective to histories of birth, death, sickness, age, sexuality, work, social, political and cultural life. The series encourages innovative and insightful research into a critical aspect of the human condition.

Series Editor: Jane Buckingham ([email protected])

Queries/Proposals: Max Novick ([email protected])

1 Series Title

Per Page

Global Histories of Disability, 1700-2015 Power, Place and People

Global Histories of Disability, 1700-2015: Power, Place and People

1st Edition


Edited By Esme Cleall
August 26, 2024

This book offers a global angle to Disability History by exploring global locations as disparate as the Caribbean, Kenya, Mauritius, Natal and Poland as well as taking new approaches to Britain and the US. Global Histories of Disability seeks to address issues including colonialism, disability, ...

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