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Routledge Research in Higher Education

About the Series

Please send inquiries or proposals for this series to one of the following:

AnnaMary Goodall: [email protected]– Editor, UK, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East

Alice Salt: [email protected] – Editor, North & South America

Vilija Stephens: [email protected] – Editor, Australia & New Zealand

Katie Peace: [email protected] – Publisher, Asia

133 Series Titles

Per Page

Reconsidering English Studies in Indian Higher Education

Reconsidering English Studies in Indian Higher Education

1st Edition

By Suman Gupta, Richard Allen, Subarno Chattarji, Supriya Chaudhuri
May 13, 2015

This book examines the status of English Studies in India, aspirations pinned on the subject by students, teachers, policy-makers and society in general, and how these are addressed at the higher education level. It presents analytical background discussions of the history and policy environment, ...

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