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Routledge Research in Journalism

About the Series

This series is our home for innovative research in journalism. It includes monographs and edited collections that provide insight into a field that faces the challenges of an ever-evolving news and media environment.


To submit a proposal for this series, please contact:
Suzanne Richardson, Commissioning Editor for Media, Cultural and Communication Studies
[email protected]

54 Series Titles

Per Page

The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy

The Trump Presidency, Journalism, and Democracy

1st Edition

Edited By Robert E. Gutsche Jr.
January 24, 2018

This book examines the disruptive nature of Trump news – both the news his administration makes and the coverage of it – related to dominant paradigms and ideologies of U.S. journalism. By relying on conceptualizations of media memory and "othering" through news coverage that enhances ...

Social Media at BBC News The Re-Making of Crisis Reporting

Social Media at BBC News: The Re-Making of Crisis Reporting

1st Edition

By Valerie Belair-Gagnon
November 24, 2017

Since the emergence of social media in the journalistic landscape, the BBC has sought to produce reporting more connected to its audience while retaining its authority as a public broadcaster in crisis reporting. Using empirical analysis of crisis news production at the BBC, this book shows that ...

Journalism and Eyewitness Images Digital Media, Participation, and Conflict

Journalism and Eyewitness Images: Digital Media, Participation, and Conflict

1st Edition

By Mette Mortensen
November 22, 2017

Building on the vast research conducted on war and media since the 1970s, scholars are now studying the digital transformation of the production of news. Little scholarly attention has been paid, however, to non-professional, eyewitness visuals, even though this genre holds a still greater bearing ...

Mindful Journalism and News Ethics in the Digital Era A Buddhist Approach

Mindful Journalism and News Ethics in the Digital Era: A Buddhist Approach

1st Edition

Edited By Shelton A. Gunaratne, Mark Pearson, Sugath Senarath
June 16, 2017

This book aims to be the first comprehensive exposition of "mindful journalism"—drawn from core Buddhist ethical principles—as a fresh approach to journalism ethics. It suggests that Buddhist mindfulness strategies can be applied purposively in journalism to add clarity, fairness and equity to news...

News of Baltimore Race, Rage and the City

News of Baltimore: Race, Rage and the City

1st Edition

Edited By Linda Steiner, Silvio Waisbord
June 01, 2017

This book examines how the media approached long-standing and long-simmering issues of race, class, violence, and social responsibility in Baltimore during the demonstrations, violence, and public debate in the spring of 2015. Contributors take Baltimore to be an important place, symbol, and marker...

Journalistic Role Performance Concepts, Contexts, and Methods

Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, Contexts, and Methods

1st Edition

Edited By Claudia Mellado, Lea Hellmueller, Wolfgang Donsbach
November 23, 2016

This volume lays out the theoretical and methodological framework to introduce the concept of journalistic role performance, defined as the outcome of concrete newsroom decisions and the style of news reporting when considering different constraints that influence the news product. By connecting ...

Digital Media and Reporting Conflict Blogging and the BBC’s Coverage of War and Terrorism

Digital Media and Reporting Conflict: Blogging and the BBC’s Coverage of War and Terrorism

1st Edition

By Daniel Bennett
November 08, 2016

This book explores the impact of new forms of online reporting on the BBC’s coverage of war and terrorism. Informed by the views of over 100 BBC staff at all levels of the corporation, Bennett captures journalists’ shifting attitudes towards blogs and internet sources used to cover wars and other ...

A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict

A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict

1st Edition

By Jake Lynch
August 24, 2016

A Global Standard for Reporting Conflict constructs an argument from first principles to identify what constitutes good journalism. It explores and synthesises key concepts from political and communication theory to delineate the role of journalism in public spheres. And it shows how these concepts...

Pursuing an Ethic of Empathy in Journalism

Pursuing an Ethic of Empathy in Journalism

1st Edition

By Janet Blank-Libra
July 19, 2016

This book advances a journalistic theory of empathy, challenging long-held notions about how best to do journalism. Because the institution of journalism has typically equated empathy and compassion with bias, it has been slow to give the intelligence of the emotions a legitimate place in the ...

News Across Media Production, Distribution and Consumption

News Across Media: Production, Distribution and Consumption

1st Edition

Edited By Jakob Linaa Jensen, Mette Mortensen, Jacob Ørmen
June 07, 2016

News production, distribution and consumption are in rapidly changing due to the rise of new media. This book examines how these processes become more and more interrelated through logics of dissemination, sharing and co-production. These changes have the potential to affect the criteria of ...

Democratizing Journalism through Mobile Media The Mojo Revolution

Democratizing Journalism through Mobile Media: The Mojo Revolution

1st Edition

By Ivo Burum
May 02, 2016

Fuelled by a distrust of big media and the development of mobile technologies, the resulting convergence of journalism praxis (professional to alternative), workflows (analogue to multipoint digital) and platforms (PC to mobile), result in a 24-hour always-on content cycle. The information ...

Journalism and the Philosophy of Truth Beyond Objectivity and Balance

Journalism and the Philosophy of Truth: Beyond Objectivity and Balance

1st Edition

By Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman
February 24, 2016

This book bridges a gap between discussions about truth, human understanding, and epistemology in philosophical circles, and debates about objectivity, bias, and truth in journalism. It examines four major philosophical theories in easy to understand terms while maintaining a critical insight which...

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