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Routledge Revivals

About the Series

Are there elusive titles that you need and have been trying to source for years but thought that you would never be able to find?

Well this may be the end of your quest – here is a fantastic opportunity for you to discover past brilliance and purchase previously out of print and unavailable titles by some of the world’s most eminent academic scholars.

Drawing from over 100 years of innovative, cutting-edge publishing, Routledge Revivals is an exciting programme whereby key titles from the distinguished and extensive backlist of the many acclaimed imprints associated with Routledge will be re-issued.

The programme draws upon the illustrious backlists of Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Methuen, Allen & Unwin and Routledge itself.

Routledge Revivals spans the whole of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and includes works by some of the world’s greatest thinkers including Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Simone Weil, Martin Buber, Karl Jaspers and Max Beloff.

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6492 Series Titles

Per Page

Revival: Caste in India (1930) The Facts and the System

Revival: Caste in India (1930): The Facts and the System

1st Edition

By ÉMile Charles Marie Senart
February 04, 2019

The aim of this book is to discover in what light the religious and literary tradition of India appears where caste is concerned; including discussions on the present system, the past, and its origins....

Revival: Child Marriage: The Indian Minotaur (1934) An Object-Lesson From the Past to the Future

Revival: Child Marriage: The Indian Minotaur (1934): An Object-Lesson From the Past to the Future

1st Edition

By Eleanor F. Rathbone
February 04, 2019

The newly issued Indian Census Report for 1931 contains many disquieting revelations, but none more so than the huge increase in child marriage and the continuing enormous mortality of women due to premature maternity, bad midwifery, purdah and kindred social evils. The first part of this book ...

Revival: Democracy and Diplomacy (1915) A Plea for Popular Control of Foreign Policy

Revival: Democracy and Diplomacy (1915): A Plea for Popular Control of Foreign Policy

1st Edition

By Ponsonby, Arthur
February 04, 2019

This book is only a preliminary study of the question of democratic control, which is now being eagerly discussed in all parts of the country. The aim of the publication of this volume is to lead those in authority, who can exercise far more influence than the author of this book, to give this ...

Revival: Democracy and Religion (1930) A Study in Quakerism (Swarthmore Lecture, 1930)

Revival: Democracy and Religion (1930): A Study in Quakerism (Swarthmore Lecture, 1930)

1st Edition

By Gerhart von Schulze-Gävernitz
February 04, 2019

The Swarthmore Lectureship was established by the Woodbrooke Extension Committee, at a meeting held December 7th 1907: the minutes of the Committee provided for "an annual lecture on some subject relating to the message and work of the Society of Friends". The Lectureship has a two-fold purpose: ...

Revival: Dictionary of the Organ (1914) Organ Registers, Their Timbres, Combinations, and Acoustic Phenomena

Revival: Dictionary of the Organ (1914): Organ Registers, Their Timbres, Combinations, and Acoustic Phenomena

1st Edition

By Carl Locher
February 04, 2019

A technical volume on the construction of organs. Comprises an alphabetically arranged detailing of the various components of organs, their characteristics and uses. Also includes a study of organ building....

Revival: Ethical Principles in Theory and Practice (1930) An Essay in Moral Philosophy

Revival: Ethical Principles in Theory and Practice (1930): An Essay in Moral Philosophy

1st Edition

By Hans Driesch
February 04, 2019

Almost all the existing modern systems of Ethics deal with formal definitions, and at bottom repeat more or less the same thing about them in slightly different words. In this work these are a side issue, and therefore are treated briefly. Their treatment in Section I is based upon the author’s ...

Revival: Hebrew Satire (1911)

Revival: Hebrew Satire (1911)

1st Edition

By Joseph Chotzner
February 04, 2019

Very little attention has hitherto been paid by authors generally to those works forming part of Hebrew literature, in which much of delightful satire is predominant. The object of this volume, therefore, is to make the reader familiar with the contents of several of these writings which may prove ...

Revival: Life of Richard Wagner Vol. III (1903) The Theatre

Revival: Life of Richard Wagner Vol. III (1903): The Theatre

1st Edition

By Carl Francis Glasenapp
February 04, 2019

Third volume of Carl Francis Glasenapp's Life of Richard Wagner....

Revival: Minds in Distress (1913) A Psychological Study of the Masculine and Feminine Mind in Health and in Disorder

Revival: Minds in Distress (1913): A Psychological Study of the Masculine and Feminine Mind in Health and in Disorder

1st Edition

By Adolphus Edward Bridger
February 04, 2019

There are two points from which humanity may be viewed, the bodily and the mental. Hitherto, and for various reasons, medicine has concerned itself almost solely with the physical side of man. The result has been disappointing, for, necessary as it is to be acquainted with the bodily structure in ...

Revival: Poland and her Economic Development (1935)

Revival: Poland and her Economic Development (1935)

1st Edition

By Roman Gorecki
February 04, 2019

This richly illustrated and well documented book gives a full picture of the economic development of the Polish Republic during the seventeen years which elapsed since the independence of Poland was proclaimed by Marshal Pilsudski on October 11th, 1918. The author, in his capacity of President of ...

Revival: Religious Thought in Palestine in the time of Christ (1931)

Revival: Religious Thought in Palestine in the time of Christ (1931)

1st Edition

By T.H. Bindley
February 04, 2019

This book is an attempt to bring together from many sources some of the more prominent features of the social, religious, and literary background of the New Testament – an endeavour to capture so far as is possible the atmosphere of thought and feeling in which our Lord and His contemporaries lived....

Revival: The Book of the Art of Cennino Cennini (1899) A contemporary practical treatise on Quattrocento painting

Revival: The Book of the Art of Cennino Cennini (1899): A contemporary practical treatise on Quattrocento painting

2nd Edition

By Cennino Cennini
February 04, 2019

A Translated version of the Art of Cennino Cennini. A contemporary practical treatise on Quattrocento Painting, including notes on medieval methods, and early explanations of oil painting and other techniques....

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