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Routledge Revivals

About the Series

Are there elusive titles that you need and have been trying to source for years but thought that you would never be able to find?

Well this may be the end of your quest – here is a fantastic opportunity for you to discover past brilliance and purchase previously out of print and unavailable titles by some of the world’s most eminent academic scholars.

Drawing from over 100 years of innovative, cutting-edge publishing, Routledge Revivals is an exciting programme whereby key titles from the distinguished and extensive backlist of the many acclaimed imprints associated with Routledge will be re-issued.

The programme draws upon the illustrious backlists of Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Methuen, Allen & Unwin and Routledge itself.

Routledge Revivals spans the whole of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and includes works by some of the world’s greatest thinkers including Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Simone Weil, Martin Buber, Karl Jaspers and Max Beloff.

If you are interested in Revivals in the Behavioral Sciences, please visit

6492 Series Titles

Per Page

Revival: Reconstruction and Education in Rural India (1932)

Revival: Reconstruction and Education in Rural India (1932)

1st Edition

By Prem Chand Lal
January 31, 2019

This book explores the problems present in Bengal villages specifically, which represent problems found within the rest of rural India, therefore the same measures with very little modification could be employed in the work of rural reconstruction and rural education in those parts. The author ...

Revival: Richelieu (1928)

Revival: Richelieu (1928)

1st Edition

By Karl Federn
January 31, 2019

The Purpose of this history of Cardinal Richelieu is to show the living personality of the man - to show it evolving, reacting to and acted on by other personalities - and to portray the conditions in France as he found them and transformed them. Within such a narrow compass it is not possible to ...

Revival: Roosevelt and His America (1933)

Revival: Roosevelt and His America (1933)

1st Edition

By Bernard Fay
January 31, 2019

President Roosevelt gave an opportunity to study American energy and initiative and its freedom from all formulas and methods. During the eventful months of 1933 the President and the people of the United States proved that they were able to discard the past entirely – everything, even the ...

Revival: Studies of Savages and Sex (1929)

Revival: Studies of Savages and Sex (1929)

1st Edition

By Alfred Ernest Crawley, Theodore Besterman
January 31, 2019

The success of my revised edition of Mr Crawley's The Mystic Rose has encouraged me to bring together in the present volume some of his papers previously unpublished in book-form, on subjects akin to those of his great work. Mr Crawley's treatment of these problems of sexual anthropology, ...

Revival: Textbook of Psychiatry (1924)

Revival: Textbook of Psychiatry (1924)

1st Edition

By Eugen Bleuler
January 31, 2019

This book marked a notable advance in psychiatry in that it emphasizes sharply the contrast between the older descriptive psychiatry of Kraeplin and the newer interpretative psychiatry of the present time which utilizes the psychoanalytical principles and general biological viewpoints developed by ...

Revival: The Evolution of Modern Marriage (1930) A Sociology of Sexual Relations

Revival: The Evolution of Modern Marriage (1930): A Sociology of Sexual Relations

1st Edition

By Franz Carl Muller-Lyer
January 31, 2019

So many books on marriage leave one with a feeling of chaos that it is important to examine any document underlying the discovery of order by searching for underlying tendencies. The author emphasizes the necessity of taking the evolutionary point of view, and sees in militant feminism, which ...

Revival: The Middle English Versions of Partonope of Blois (1912)

Revival: The Middle English Versions of Partonope of Blois (1912)

1st Edition

By Partonopeus de Blois, Trampe Bodtker
January 31, 2019

The shorter English version is extant only as a fragment of 308 lines in a MS. at Vale Royal, and was edited by R.C.N. (i.e. R.C. Nichols) for the Roxburghe Club, London, 1873. The MS. is stated by editor to have been written about 1450. After relating Partinope's arrival in the enchanted city and ...

Revival: The Mystic Rose (1960) A Study of Primative Marriage and of Primitive Thought in Its Bearing on Marriage

Revival: The Mystic Rose (1960): A Study of Primative Marriage and of Primitive Thought in Its Bearing on Marriage

1st Edition

By Ernest Crawley
January 31, 2019

All study of the origins of social institutions must be based on what ethnology can tell us of the psychology of the lower races and on the primitive conceptions of human relations which are thus established. It is only in early modes of thought that we can find the explanation of ceremonies and ...

Revival: The Mystical Quest of Christ (1923)

Revival: The Mystical Quest of Christ (1923)

1st Edition

By Robert F. Horton
January 31, 2019

The author argues that mysticism is not confined to Christianity, but the relation between the soul and Christ is a distinctive mystical experience; and it is specific in this sense, that this relation works out in a certain practice of life and certain development of character. It is this concrete...

Revival: The New Psychology and Religious Experience (1933)

Revival: The New Psychology and Religious Experience (1933)

1st Edition

By Thomas Hywel Hughes
January 31, 2019

Explores the crossover between the newly emerging field of psychology and the established doctrine of theology....

Revival: The Psychology of Reasoning (1923)

Revival: The Psychology of Reasoning (1923)

1st Edition

By Eugenio Rignano
January 31, 2019

This Book owes its origin to the indefinable sense of uneasiness and discontent into which I was thrown by the perusal of some of the best treatises on Logic. These treatises had failed to explain the nature of the logical or reasoning faculty, though purporting to indicate the laws which govern ...

Revival: The Sixteenth Century (1936)

Revival: The Sixteenth Century (1936)

1st Edition

By Charles William Chadwick Oman
January 31, 2019

After turning over tens of thousands of leaves in Latin, French, Italian, German, English, Spanish and Dutch print, one is left with an accumulation of observed phenomena - religious, cultural, literary, psychological - which the mind is forced to coordinate into some sort of general conclusions. ...

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