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Routledge Revivals

About the Series

Are there elusive titles that you need and have been trying to source for years but thought that you would never be able to find?

Well this may be the end of your quest – here is a fantastic opportunity for you to discover past brilliance and purchase previously out of print and unavailable titles by some of the world’s most eminent academic scholars.

Drawing from over 100 years of innovative, cutting-edge publishing, Routledge Revivals is an exciting programme whereby key titles from the distinguished and extensive backlist of the many acclaimed imprints associated with Routledge will be re-issued.

The programme draws upon the illustrious backlists of Kegan Paul, Trench & Trubner, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Methuen, Allen & Unwin and Routledge itself.

Routledge Revivals spans the whole of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and includes works by some of the world’s greatest thinkers including Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Simone Weil, Martin Buber, Karl Jaspers and Max Beloff.

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6492 Series Titles

Per Page

Revival: Psychology and Religious Truth (1942)

Revival: Psychology and Religious Truth (1942)

1st Edition

By Thomas Hywel Hughes
January 30, 2019

An attempt is made in this book to open a new line of thought in theology with the aid of Psychology. The author strives to throw light on the basic truths of religion from a new angle and to adopt a different attitude to that usually taken by theologians. He believes that there is still more ...

Revival: Religion and the Future Life (1922) The Development of the Belief in Life After Death By Authorities in the History of Religions

Revival: Religion and the Future Life (1922): The Development of the Belief in Life After Death By Authorities in the History of Religions

1st Edition

Edited By Elias Hershey Sneath
January 30, 2019

This book discusses the in-depth history regarding the development of the belief in the Life After Death, including incites from across history and culture. From Ancient Egyptian and Persian beliefs to modern Christianity and Islam....

Revival: Roman Life and Manners Under the Early Empire (1913)

Revival: Roman Life and Manners Under the Early Empire (1913)

1st Edition

By Ludwig Henrich Friedlaender
January 30, 2019

Every attempted delineation of the manners and customs of Imperial Rome must necessarily include a survey, as exhaustive as may be, of the spectacles, as the best measure of her grandeur, and as indicative in many ways of her moral and intellectual condition.Originally, for the most part, religious...

Revival: Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion (1922)

Revival: Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion (1922)

1st Edition

By Emile Coue
January 30, 2019

Suggestion, or rather Autosuggestion, is quite a new subject, and yet at the same time it is as old as the world. It is new in the sense that until now it has been wrongly studied and in consequence wrongly understood; it is old because it dates from the appearance of man on the Earth. In fact, ...

Revival: Spanish literature: An Elementary Handbook (1921) An elementary handbook

Revival: Spanish literature: An Elementary Handbook (1921): An elementary handbook

1st Edition

By Henry Butler Clarke
January 30, 2019

During the time that the author had held the Taylorian Teachership of Spanish at Oxford, he had frequently received letters asking what there is to read in Spanish besides Cervantes and Calderon and what editions should be used. The present volume is intended to answer these ...

Revival: The Alternative to War (1936) A Programme for Statesmen

Revival: The Alternative to War (1936): A Programme for Statesmen

1st Edition

By Charles Roden Buxton
January 30, 2019

This book faces the problem of the "dissatisfied" Powers. It recognizes the dangers of war, but it suggests a clear alternative. The League is not dead, it contends: it has only failed because it has attempted to do the impossible, namely to preserve and guarantee a new status quo which is unjust. ...

Revival: The Atonement (1949) Modern Theories of Doctrine

Revival: The Atonement (1949): Modern Theories of Doctrine

1st Edition

By Thomas Hywel Hughes
January 30, 2019

This volume can not be regarded as a history of the doctrine of Atonement, nor yet as a study of the Scriptural witness to it. It is rather an examination of the various theories and the more recent trends of thought with regard to it. An explanation is necessary with regard to two points in the ...

Revival: The Junius Manuscript (1931)

Revival: The Junius Manuscript (1931)

1st Edition

By George Philip Krapp
January 30, 2019

This book is the first volume in a collective edition, the plan of which includes all the surviving records of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The main body of Anglo-Saxon poetry as it has come down to us is contained in four important miscellany manuscripts, the Junius Manuscript, the Vercelli Book, the ...

Revival: The Loyal Karens of Burma (1920)

Revival: The Loyal Karens of Burma (1920)

1st Edition

By Donald MacKenzie Smeaton
January 30, 2019

An exploration of the Karens, a small nation that inhabited the mountains and forests of the Lower Burma who were loyal to the British during the Anglo-Burmese wars....

Revival: The Lyons Mail (1945) Being an Account of the Crime of April 27 1796 and of the Trials Which Followed.

Revival: The Lyons Mail (1945): Being an Account of the Crime of April 27 1796 and of the Trials Which Followed.

1st Edition

By Charles Oman
January 30, 2019

The old mystery of the 'Lyons Mail' is of all crime-problems the most complicated and interesting. It is not even yet forgotten, as those will remember who saw the elder and the younger Irving, play the double part of Lesurques and Dubosq-a sort of misreading of the problem of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. ...

Revival: The Mind In Daily Life (1933)

Revival: The Mind In Daily Life (1933)

1st Edition

By R. D. Gillespie
January 30, 2019

This book is an elementary exposition. It contains no more technically than seemed readily understandable by the intelligent layman and the medical student desiring a merely general introduction to modern views on the motives of human conduct and the mental processes of which that conduct is the ...

Revival: The Women Bonapartes vol. I (1908) The Mother and Three Sisters of Napoleon I

Revival: The Women Bonapartes vol. I (1908): The Mother and Three Sisters of Napoleon I

1st Edition

By Hugh Noel Williams
January 30, 2019

It will therefore, I think be admitted that the present volumes, in which I have endeavoured to give a full and unprejudiced history of the Women Bonapartes, call for no apology; and I may even venture to believe that, whatever their shortcomings, they will be welcomed by the English and American ...

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